How are you adding those parameters the the image URL?
In html I have an image tag like this:

<img wicket:id="image"/>

and in code:

Resource resource = ....
Image image = new Image("image", resource);

I also tried:

Image image = new Image("image", new Model("/images/sunshine.png"));

But than it tries to find the images in the package (as package resource).

How can I simple create an Image object which loads the image relative from the webcontext root, and how do I add a random parameter so that the browser
will allways reload the image.


2006/5/7, Anatol Pomozov < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
I usually do such thing


so example image path is /images/logo.png?32342342342 or /images/logo.png?rand=32342342342

On 5/7/06, Bruno Borges <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Make random URLs for the image. You can do that simply adding dummy parameters, like /image.ext?foo=bar1, bar2, bar3... etc. The browser cache resources per URL.

I think this will work.

See ya

On 5/7/06, Igor Vaynberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
well, if the browser ignores that then you should change the url.


On 5/7/06, Potje rode kool < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Yes, its a caching problem, when I disable caching in Firefox (doing this with the web developer toolbar) it works fine.
How do I add those headers for the images I want to disable caching for.  I tried to set some headers on my WebResource subclass
I use like this:

        response.setDateHeader("Expires", System.currentTimeMillis());
        response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0, max-age=0");

But that doesn't seems to work.

Thanks in advance,

2006/5/7, Igor Vaynberg < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
are you updating img's src attribute in the ajax call? or is the image streamed from somewhere and reflects a property you changed with ajax?

the first should work

the lettter might not unless the url changes - because the browser would have the cached version and no reason to reload it. so you either have to update the url and add a &rand=randomnumber parameter to force the browser to reload the image or add no-cache no-store headers when you are streaming the image.


On 5/6/06, Potje rode kool <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am trying to change an image after an AjaxLink is clicked but I can't get it working.
The images are on a Panel, when I click on the AjaxLink I create a new Panel and replace the old one (by calling getPage().replace(Component) ).
I also have put an Label on the Panel and the Label gets updated when I click on the AjaxLink, but not the images.

Do I have to do something extra to let images update or does Wicket doesn't support updating images by Ajax?

Thanks in advance.

Bruno Borges
Sun Certified Java Programmer for 1.4
Sun Certified Web Component Developer for 1.4

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