> I could use a scheme like I do with the wizard component:
> class="wicketExtensionsWizardOuterTable". Would that work?

Yep, sure would!

> Well, we're trying to stick with general datastructures, such as
> List for ListView etc. I thought the TreeModel of Swing is quite
> complete, and has the additional advantage that you can reuse
> the model in Swing apps - ok, not very likely anyone will actually
> do that.

Well, I know that I would like to reuse some of my stuff eventually in a
native client app... that's why this approach caught my eye. ;-)

> > Please help: I have a very large tree to render, so I only want
> > to hold in memory the parts of the tree that are expanded (limiting
> > expansion at any given level to one branch only). I also want to
> > make sure that all the non-expanded branches are purged from
> > memory.

> I would say, do this in the same fashion as you would do with Swing.
> Like I said above, the tree works well with model updates, so you can
> let your model hold the part of the tree you actually need. Which is I
> think the current state + all possible direct childs. When such a
> child is expanded, you expand the tree model with the childs of the
> node you just expanded. Would that work? Johan and Jonathan are the
> people with extensive Swing experience here; maybe they've got some
> alternative ideas on this.

Hmmm... well, since I have almost no Swing experience. :-(

IIUC, I would use the event listeners to listen for a click event, and at
that point, I would pull in the data for the child nodes in the DB?

I'll give that a try today. If I'm on the wrong track, it would be great if
somebody could let me know. :-)

Thanks again for all the nice work!

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