no, there is no form because it's just a single dropdownchoice for
page navigation. I thought this is allowed because DropDownChoice has
a fallback for the case that it can't be handled using a form.

yes it is allowed to do that it was just to make sure that a form really wasn't used.

> And what do you mean that if you mount a page you get that url? That doesn't
> look like a mount url
> That is an interface url with the selected choice appended to the url. (that
> 123)
> or isn't that the selected value??
My servlet is at the root path, so /xxx/yyy/clients is the mount path
for the page. The url is pretty before the choice request, and that
was my main issue. I don't care about the fact that the url is ugly
after a choice/form request, although it would be great if there is a
way to make it pretty/bookmarkable without too much effort...

So xxx/yyyy is your mount path

And the onSelectionChange will generated this url??


but that is a feature request already.. That shouldn't happen.
That the mount path is used to generate the interface call
what should happen is


because the mount path shouldn't be taken as a root why does that happen at your place?

Do you have a test case?


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