First that last one with the button as a link that is logical
 Because then you don't submit the form.

second i have no idea what you are exactly doing.
why are you completely resetting the forms model when the button submits?
What do you do with the data that is currently in the model (the submitted data)

also this:  setModel( getModel() ); doesn't make any sense to me.

if you just want to display a new object in the form. Why aren't you just doing:


On 6/2/06, Edward Yakop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I tried to create a configuration form that has new button to create a
new configuration.

The html:
<html xmlns=""
xmlns:wicket="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
        <form wicket:id="form">
            <span wicket:id="PIDLabel">[PidLabel]</span>
            <input wicket:id="pid"></input>

            <span wicket:id="factoryPIDLabel">[Factory PID Label]</span>
            <input wicket:id="factoryPid"></input>

            <span wicket:id="bundleLocationLabel">[Bundle Location Label]</span>
            <input wicket:id="bundleLocation"></input>

            <input class="new" type="submit" value="new"

The code:
private final class MiniConfigurationForm extends Form

        private final TextField m_pidTextField;
        private final TextField m_facPIDTextField;
        private final TextField m_bdlLocModelTextField;

        private static final String WICKET_ID_PID_LABEL = "PIDLabel";
        private static final String WICKET_ID_PID = "pid";
        private static final String WICKET_ID_FACTORY_PID_LABEL =
        private static final String WICKET_ID_FACTORY_PID = "factoryPid";
        private static final String WICKET_ID_BUNDLE_LOCATION_LABEL =
        private static final String WICKET_ID_BUNDLE_LOCATION =
        private static final String WICKET_ID_DELETE = "delete";
        private static final String WICKET_ID_SAVE = "save";
        private static final String WICKET_ID_NEW = "new";

        private MiniConfigurationForm( String id, PaxConfiguration
configuration )
            super( id );
            CompoundPropertyModel model = new CompoundPropertyModel(
configuration );
            setModel( model );

            Label pidLabel = new Label( WICKET_ID_PID_LABEL, "Pid:" );
            add( pidLabel );

            m_pidTextField = new TextField( WICKET_ID_PID );
            add( m_pidTextField );

            Label factoryLabel = new Label(
            add( factoryLabel );

            m_facPIDTextField = new TextField( WICKET_ID_FACTORY_PID );
            add( m_facPIDTextField );

            Label bundleLocation = new Label(
            add( bundleLocation );

            m_bdlLocModelTextField = new TextField( WICKET_ID_BUNDLE_LOCATION );
            add( m_bdlLocModelTextField );

            NewButton newButton = new NewButton( WICKET_ID_NEW );
            add( newButton );

         private void setConfiguration( PaxConfiguration paxConfiguration )
            m_configuration = paxConfiguration;
            CompoundPropertyModel newModel = new
CompoundPropertyModel( m_configuration );
            setModel( newModel );

        private final class NewButton extends Button

            private NewButton( String id )
                super( id );

            public void onSubmit()
                PaxConfiguration paxConfiguration =
                MiniConfigurationForm.this.setConfiguration( paxConfiguration );

That code works, but if setConfiguration is replaced to any of the following:
     private void setConfiguration( PaxConfiguration configuration )
            // modelChanging(); -- Commented out
            m_configuration = paxConfiguration;
            CompoundPropertyModel newModel = new
CompoundPropertyModel( m_configuration );
            setModel( newModel );

        private void setConfiguration( PaxConfiguration paxConfiguration )

            // Copy internal values
            m_configuration.getPid( paxConfiguration.getPid() );

            setModel( getModel() );
Or, with the orginal [setConfiguration(PaxConfiguration
paxConfiguration )] but with [NewButton] to extends [Link]

        private void setConfiguration( PaxConfiguration paxConfiguration )

            m_configuration = paxConfiguration;
            CompoundPropertyModel newModel = new
CompoundPropertyModel( m_configuration );

            setModel( newModel );

     private final class NewButton extends Link

            private NewButton( String id )
                super( id );

            public void onClick()
                PaxConfiguration paxConfiguration =
                MiniConfigurationForm.this.setConfiguration( paxConfiguration );
The form values are NOT updated with the assigned paxConfiguration.

Is this the how is [Form] intended to be used or a bug?

Edward Yakop

Note: The code can be checkout from

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