
Stefan Kanev just volunteered to start writing on a new user guide.  
He asked me to give him an idea for a TOC, so here's mine. I'm  
sending this to the list in case people would like to help/ have  
ideas/ ...

TOC user guide, Building Wicket Pet Store

1. What Is Wicket
        * Explains Wicket's strong points, philosophy, etc
2. The basics
     * Basic concepts, tells about Application, session, components,  
markup, pages and models
3. Introducing WicketPetstore
        * Describe what we'll be building, including a short look at the  
domain model
        * Setup project & database
        * Setup Spring
        * Setup the skeleton; HTML stubs and non-interactive pages
4. Browsing the store
        * Implement the browsing part: list views, labels and an  
introduction to models (Use compound property model here)
                - Uses services wired using Spring
        * Use resources to display images (with thumbnail resources)
5. Tracking the client
        * Set up a custom session
        * Implement shopping basket tracking, including a panel that  
displays the current items in the basket
6. Working with forms
        * Implement forms for adding items to the basket
        * Implement validation
        * Implement check out functionality

Good luck Stefan, and keep us informed!


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