Well, the modification basically restored the behavior from before the 
speed optimization was done. It shouldn't really change anything, 
definitely not cause null instead of AjaxRequest (which probably means 
that you're using fallback links and for some reason they are not fired 
using Ajax).

Anyway, are you able to provide a test case from any of this? All these 
issues you are facing seem to be related to your application quite 
closely, and I'm not able to reproduce any of it on my own.


Pierre-Yves Saumont wrote:
> Hi Matej,
> With this modification, some Ajax link are seeing there onClick methods 
> called with a null target.
> In the page I load, there is a top menu bar that loaded "Ajax pages". In 
>   this "pages" there is genrally a ajax tabbed panel. The inner ajax 
> links are working and the datepicker also works. When I try to activate 
> an outer link to display another " ajax page", I get the null target 
> exception. So I cannot test the datepicker on the other pages.
> Pierre-Yves
> Matej Knopp a écrit :
>> This is very unfortunate. I'm not able to reproduce the stack overflow 
>> problem even with huge ajax responses.
>> Can you plese replace the processNext method with this:
>>     processNext: function() {
>>         if (this.current < this.functions.length) {
>>             var f = this.functions[this.current];
>>             var run = function() {
>>                 f(this.notify.bind(this));
>>             }.bind(this);
>>             this.current++;
>>             window.setTimeout(run, 1);
>>         }
>> so that we can be sure that this is the problem.
>> -Matej
>> Pierre-Yves Saumont wrote:
>>> I changed the value to 10. It does not change anything. I don't know 
>>> if it can be usefull, but I added the line:
>>> alert(this.depth);
>>> before line 120. When loading the Ajax response that contains the 
>>> datepicker, this alert is displayed 10 times with values 0 to 9.
>>> Pierre-Yves
>>> Matej Knopp a écrit :
>>>> That's not really the problem. The javascript _is_ included only 
>>>> once. Problem is the performance improvement I did, calling the run 
>>>> method from call stack instead of scheduling it on 
>>>> window.setTimeout(). The latter is very slow, because it redraws 
>>>> browser window.
>>>> Anyway, it should no longer cause problem. Please make sure you've 
>>>> cleaned browsers cache. If this is the case, please try to change the 
>>>> number in wicket-ajax.js on line 120 (if (this.depth > 50 || 
>>>> Wicket.Browser.isKHTML....
>>>> try to set it to lower number, like 10 to see if it helps. Perhaps 
>>>> I'm still overestimating the stack size? It's strange because I've 
>>>> tested the code on large ajax updates and it worked well.
>>>> -Matej
>>>> igor.vaynberg wrote:
>>>>> is it possible to change calendar.js and include an 
>>>>> include_only_once logic?
>>>>> -Igor
>>>>> Pierre-Yves Saumont wrote:
>>>>>> Hello Matej,
>>>>>> I eventually found the updated file. (I was looking for the 
>>>>>> calendar.js file, and not for wicket-ajax.js). It doesn't change 
>>>>>> anything. I still have a "too much recursion" error at line 1796 of 
>>>>>> calendar.js
>>>>>> Pierre-Yves
>>>>>> Matej Knopp a ?crit :
>>>>>>> I assume there's something wrong with your svn setup. The revision 
>>>>>>> of wicket-ajax.js in svn is 7534, it's 3 days old
>>>>>>> http://svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/*checkout*/wicket/branches/wicket-1.x/wicket/src/java/wicket/ajax/wicket-ajax.js?revision=7534
>>>>>>> Maybe it would help to do a clean checkout of entire project.
>>>>>>> -Matej
>>>>>>> Pierre-Yves Saumont wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Matej,
>>>>>>>> I can't find anything newer than revision 7520 (udpate of the 
>>>>>>>> french files) in branche 1.x and  revision 7519 in trunk.
>>>>>>>> Where did you put the updated files?
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Pierre-Yves
>>>>>>>> Matej Knopp a ?crit :
>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>> it should be fixed in SVN, but I can't really test it. I've 
>>>>>>>>> simulated updating of many elements so that I could reproduce 
>>>>>>>>> the stack overflow, but I don't know if that is your case.
>>>>>>>>> please try the current version and let me know.
>>>>>>>>> -Matej
>>>>>>>>> Matej Knopp wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Sorry for this, I've underestimated the stack size of browsers. 
>>>>>>>>>> Expect it to be fixed withing couple of hours.
>>>>>>>>>> -Matej
>>>>>>>>>> Pierre-Yves Saumont wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Samyem,
>>>>>>>>>>> Could you send me your script, so that I can see if it solves 
>>>>>>>>>>> the problem for me?
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>> Pierre-Yves
>>>>>>>>>>> samyem a ?crit :
>>>>>>>>>>>> I could trace my problem to a recent change in 
>>>>>>>>>>>> wicket-ajax.js. In
>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>> defination of processNext, it used to be that the run was 
>>>>>>>>>>>> called on
>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>> timeout like window.setTimeout(run, 1);. Now this is only 
>>>>>>>>>>>> called for
>>>>>>>>>>>> isKHTML, and there is a direct call to run() otherwise. This 
>>>>>>>>>>>> for some reason
>>>>>>>>>>>> gave the recursion error for me. When I reverted this line 
>>>>>>>>>>>> and use the
>>>>>>>>>>>> timeout version, the recursion error disappeared. I am not 
>>>>>>>>>>>> sure about the
>>>>>>>>>>>> big picture of what's going on, but that gave me a dirty fix for
>>>>>>>>>>>> now.
>>>>>>>>>>>> - Samyem
>>>>>>>>>>>> samyem wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Same here. I am getting too much recursion in places I 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> didn't have problem
>>>>>>>>>>>>> earlier as well. Looking at the generated source, it is 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> clear that the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> java script gets included more than once, not just once in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the header.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Samyem
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pierre-Yves Saumont wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am afraid there is still a problem. I tested the fix in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the quickstart I had made and it worked fine. However, in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> my application, selecting a date in the datepicker cause a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Javascript error. FF reports this error
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Erreur : too much recursion
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fichier source : 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://localhost:8080/ceagrap/app/resources/wicket.extensions.markup.html.datepicker.DatePicker/calendar.js
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ligne : 1796
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Date.prototype.__msh_oldSetFullYear = 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Date.prototype.setFullYear;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Date.prototype.setFullYear = function(y) {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    var d = new Date(this); <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> line 1796
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    d.__msh_oldSetFullYear(y);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    if (d.getMonth() != this.getMonth())
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>      this.setDate(28);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    this.__msh_oldSetFullYear(y);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> };
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In IE6, the error message is "not enough stack space". The 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> same line number is reported, but the next line is 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> highlighted:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Date.prototype.__msh_oldSetFullYear = 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Date.prototype.setFullYear;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Date.prototype.setFullYear = function(y) {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    var d = new Date(this);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    d.__msh_oldSetFullYear(y); <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< line
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1796
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    if (d.getMonth() != this.getMonth())
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>      this.setDate(28);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    this.__msh_oldSetFullYear(y);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> };
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If I reload the page, the error disapears.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pierre-Yves
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Matej Knopp a ?crit :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for fixed files, I've already commited those.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Matej
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pierre-Yves Saumont wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now it seems to work fine provided the locale switching 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is made through reloading the page and not through Ajax. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (I enclosed the modified french scripts, in utf8 and iso.)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If switching is made through Ajax, it works much better 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> than it did before. If the datepicker is visible when 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> switching, switching works fine. If the datepicker is not 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> visible when switching, and then is is loaded through 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ajax, it does not always acknowledge the switch.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> But the worst problem is that reloading the page after a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> locale switch (which before made the datepicker to swith 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to the new locale) now cause an exception:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Root cause:java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot remove 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [MarkupContainer [Component id = 6, page = <No Page>, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> path = 6.Loop$LoopItem]] from null parent!     at 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wicket.Component.remove(Component.java:1475)     at 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wicket.version.undo.Add.undo(Add.java:81)     at 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wicket.version.undo.ChangeList.undo(ChangeList.java:93)     
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wicket.version.undo.UndoPageVersionManager.undo(UndoPageVersionManager.java:217)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     at 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wicket.version.undo.UndoPageVersionManager.getVersion(UndoPageVersionManager.java:167)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I also somtime get this exception:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> java.lang.NullPointerException
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     at 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wicket.MarkupFragmentFinder.find(MarkupFragmentFinder.java:76) 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     at wicket.Component.renderComponent(Component.java:1599)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     at 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget.respondComponent(AjaxRequestTarget.java:474)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> However, having it working with full page reload is a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> very good point. I think it will be enough
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pierre-Yves
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Matej Knopp a ?crit :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You won't find it there. It's wicket-1.x (and trunk).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1.2.2 is release. Current branch for 1.2 is under 1.x
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Matej
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pierre-Yves Saumont wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I can't find it in releases/wicket-1.2.2, only in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> trunk, but my app does not work with 2.0 :-(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pierre-Yves
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Matej Knopp a ?crit :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sorry for ambiguity. The fix should be already in.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Matej
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pierre-Yves Saumont wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What should already be in? Is it your fix? Or are you 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> talking about the edited file I sent to the list few 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> days ago? This is no complete since at that time I 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> had not noticed the tuesday error!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pierre-Yves
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Matej Knopp a ?crit :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> btw. it should be already in.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pierre-Yves Saumont wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Matej,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Of course I will test it as soon as you commit it. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BTW, there are plenty of typos and spelling 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mistakes in the french script, and even an error in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the abreviated day names (it says monday, tuesday, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tuesday, thursday and there is no wednesday!). Do 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you want me to send you an edited file?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pierre-Yves
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Matej Knopp a ?crit :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm working on the date picker encoding problem. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What I'll probably do is to convert all 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> non-unicode (latin1, ...) date picker locale 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> strings to utf-8 and add charset="utf-8" to the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <script element that includes the script.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This should sove the problem, as xmlhttprequest 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (used to load script during ajax header 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> contribution) treats the response as utf-8. And 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the charset in script that should ensure that 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> during "regular" header contribution the script 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will be loaded with the correct locale. I'll be 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> commiting soon, would you mind testing if it works 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for you?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Matej
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pierre-Yves Saumont wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Eelco,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I did not feel irritated by your answers and I 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> apologize for having let you think I was. I 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> understand perfectly your position and I 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> acknowledge the immense amount of work there is 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> behind Wicket and I want to thank every one 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> working on it for making such a smart framework 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> available.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am building a demo/prototype application for a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> big french administration and I want to convince 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> them that they should add Wicket to the list of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> their accepted technologies. That's why I need 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> features that are 100% functionnal. If a feature 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is only 99% functionnal, it's probably better not 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to mention it because somebody will certainly 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pinpoint the 1% that is causing problem, making 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> others forget about the working 99%.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So, what I am trying to do is helping to find the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cause of the problem and (may be) a solution. At 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this time, I am using a normal link to switch 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> locales and I have removed all accented 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> characters in the datapicker french strings and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> saved the file in ascii. I am working to find on 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a better workaround.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regarding UTF8, this is (in my opinion) not a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> good solution. AFAIK, it as been designed to suit 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the needs of english language applications where 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> only a few exotic foreign characters have to be 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> usable. It's main advantage is that the data is 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nearly the same size as ascci for this kind of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> use. I think UTF16 is a much better solution, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> even if it is not 100% perfect since it can't 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> represent all characters needed in all languages. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Next UNICODE encoding will be 32 bits, which will 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be enough for all characters of all languages in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the galaxy. We will then have to design an 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> extension for the rest of the universe ;-)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pierre-Yves
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Eelco Hillenius a ?crit :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It is the same kind of problem we have with 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> character encoding. Every
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> time someone has a problem with encoding, the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> answer can be "use XXX
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> encoding for all and there will be no problem". 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is false AND
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> irrelevant.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Well, I guess we hoped that UTF-8 would just 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> work for everyone. It's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> certainly advertised as that. But the message 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> comes across, and the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> more reports we have that something is broken, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the harder we'll work
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on it. It's just not all easy, and some of the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bugs we are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> encountering lately (like a problem with file 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> descriptors) were not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> our fault in the first place. We're not even 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sure the encoding
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> problems are. But the more people that actually 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> use those encodings
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can help us, possibly by supplying fixes/ 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> solutions,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> better.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It is irrelevant because the question is "how 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to use this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> functionnality" and not "how to do without it".
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yes, you are right. You have to understand 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> though that a framework
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can't fix every possible problem in the world. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Every time we add a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> feature, there's an open door for 10 additional 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ones. That doesn't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mean we don't want to add them, but maybe not 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> now, or we need to be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> convinced about the urgency of the problem.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It is false because it does not solve the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> problem. In the case of Ajax
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> switching locale, remember the problem is 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> updating the datepicker. If
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you switch the locale in a situation where no 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> datepicker is displayed
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and then load a datepicker through Ajax, it is 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> still broken. But of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> course, the solution is not to use Ajax.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Well we fixed header contribution through Ajax. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It seems that the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> datepicker is the component from hell, as we're 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> having all kinds of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> issues with it we don't have with other 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> components. But Matej and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> others spent many of his free nights trying to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fix it and they have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> been progressing very well. It's a pretty tough
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> problem,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> really.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Or a slightly better solution:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> do not use Ajax to switch locales AND do not 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> use anything else than US
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ASCII in the datepicker labels.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I didn't get the datepicker labels. Anything 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that has to do with the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> JavaScript part that is faulty: I'm sorry but we 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can't do much about
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it as we adopted that component from another 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> project (jscalendar).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We're working on a replacement, and people can 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> always create their own
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> replacement too (for intance, look at 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wicket-contrib-datepicker and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wicket-contrib-yui.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm sorry you feel irritated by our answers. You 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are right
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> telling you "you can't do that" is not a very
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> satisfying
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> answer.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please understand that we are working our asses 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> off in our free time,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> un-sponsored etc to make this framework as good 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as we can, as fast as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> we can. Keep those reports coming, and the best 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and fastest way to get
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a bug fixed is to give us a solution for fixing it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Eelco
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