To get a set of components that the page developer could use without having to write any HTML, the application architect could decide on a set of building blocks needed by page developers, and implement them with the associated HTML files.  These could include basic form components, and components for arranging subpanels -- e.g. vertical stacking, horizontal placement, whatever.  Then the user could build pages by instantiating and subclassing these pre-build components without adding any new HTML. 
(To insert a subpanel in specified locations of the panel-arranger, the user would create an anonymous subclass of the panel-arranger which overrode the methods for creating the individual panels that get arranged.  This is so that the panel-arranger can pass the needed wicket-id to the over-ridden method that creates that panel, without the user having to know the specific wicket-ids coded in the panel-arranger's HTML page.)
The difficulty is in deciding on the set of building blocks needed.  It's sort of like designing an application-oriented programming language.  I built my application this way, but I was the sole developer -- so I was continually refining and adding to my set of general-pupose and application-oriented building blocks as I went along.  To build truly flexible with general-purpose building blocks that do not limit the developer's styling of the application would be a huge project.  It would be something like implementing the Echo ( or Echo2 ( framework in Wicket.
In fact, if you really don't want the page-developers to be coding any HTML, the Echo or Echo 2 framework may be what you're looking for.  But then you'll be limited to building upon whatever functionality their components provide.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Igor Vaynberg
Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2006 11:27 PM
Subject: Re: [Wicket-user] Components Entirely In Java?

you can encapsulate a great deal of markup and css into the components, however unless you go to extremes some basic knowledge of html is still needed. wicket doesnt use layout managers so you have to provide some basic html - at least <span> tags to position the components.

in some cases if the components being added are just stacked you can use a repeater like RepeatingView to take care of that so end users can go

MyPage() {
   getNavContainer().add(new MyNewComponnet1());
   getNavContainer().add(new MyNewComponent2());
   getBodyContainer().add(new MyNewCompoenent3());



On 10/18/06, Jonathan Sharp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm a UI developer on a team of about 10 and are in the evaulation process of wicket. Pardon my ignorance if this is obvious or misses the boat...

How complex would it be to provide a jar of components to our developers that they can use to build their interfaces without having to touch HTML? The goal would be that they would build the application without having to write any HTML but simply "append" components to each other similar to how you can with the DOM browser side. Our AppBasePage would then have a <wicket:child/> tag which is where it would render these components. Does this make sense?

Example Components:
- Form
- FieldSet
- FieldPair
- SaveButton

Developers would then:

class MyPage extends AppBaseBase {
    public MyPage() {
        Form f = new Form("myForm");
        f.add(new SaveButton("id", "Label"));


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