We (Martijn and me) spoke there last year, but after doing a couple of
presentations the last year, we're out of time and energy (and money!)
to keep on doing that. We might get more active again in 2007.

But... everyone is more than welcome to take up the initiative, so if
any of you Wicket users is going to JavaPolis and want a get-together,
we'd love to see the pictures of that!

Have fun,


Sorry for the cross post, but this seemed a better topic for the user list.

On 11/10/06, Filippo Diotalevi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
>   (this is the first time I post here, so I should probably present
> myself.. my name's Filippo, live in Milan, for more info:
> http://www.diotalevi.com; obviously I like Wicket and I'd like to
> contribute, but give me some time to study it more in deep...).
> This morning I was having a look at the schedule of the next
> Javapolis, and noticed that there aren't presentations about Wicket.
> That's a pity!
> Since I see that some of you are europeans, my question is: are you
> going to Javapolis next December? would you be interested in
> organizing a BOF about Wicket? I mean, nothing formal, just an hands
> on lab to show how the framework works, how to use it with Spring and
> the like. It would be great for wicket-newbies like me to have the
> opportunity to learn directly from the developers..
> If anyone of you guys is interested, I can take care of the
> organization (writing a proposal, contacting the organizers...)
> --
> Filippo Diotalevi
> http://www.diotalevi.com/weblog
> http://www.jugmilano.it

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