imho much better to use markup inheritance for a common layout. that example
was written before markup inheritance was around.


On 12/27/06, Daniele Dellafiore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

hi, I am new to wicket, I have just done some examples tutorial starting
from the QuickStart app.

I am beginning to build a real webapp and I am wondering about the "main"
layout structure

I have done the Navomatic example and I am wondering if a good way is to
use borders to define the structure of the page (I need a simple header,
footer, navigation, body layout).

In the navomatic example I have a add(NavomaticBorder()) in each page and
if I want a page body with some wicket component I have to add them to
navomaticInstance and not to the page (I have tried adding the ajax counter
for example... it does not comes for free, counter is showed but click does
not increment, ajax error...)

Back to main problem, this create some architecture issues (replication
and non-standard add method). I could create a template page that
incapsulate the "navomatic layout" and with a custom add method that uses
that... but is this a good way to do things?

Thanks for advices.

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