I have been trying to work with the StringHeaderContributors. However, I have 
observed a rather strange behavior while using Wicket 1.2.3. The header 
contributions seem to be appearing and disappearing randomly. I have tested a 
class for a simple webpage (see below) with a corresponding HTML page. If I 
click on the link, the contributions appear normally. However, if I refresh the 
page which contains the target URL of that page, the contributions sometimes 
appear, and sometimes not.

Does this problem have something in common with the fixed HeaderContribution 
issue in the Wicket 1.2.3? This problem seems to be nonexistent when using 
Wicket 1.2.1.

Thanks for any advice.

 Robert Novotny

public class SimpleContributingPage extends WebPage {
        public SimpleContributingPage() {

                add(new StringHeaderContributor(\"<title>\" + new Date() + 
                add(new PageLink(\"self\", SimpleContributingPage.class) {
                        public void onClick() {
                                System.out.println(new Date() + \" : clicked\");

<html xmlns:wicket>
                <a wicket:id=\"self\">[Self]</a>

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