are you sure the image data is stored in the session?

we have RenderedDynamicImageResource<-DefaultButtonImageResource

in RenderedDynamicImageResource we have

private transient SoftReference imageData;

so the field is transient and on top of that is a softreference. so first of
it shouldnt make it into httpsession, and second it should be gced when
memory runs short. are you observing this memory usage through a profiler?
try to force gc and see if the memory drops.

another way to optimize it is to do this:
ResourceReference reference = new ResourceReference(resourceKey) {
  protected newResource() {
        return new DefaultButtonImageResource(text);

Image image = Image(name, reference);

that way you are lazily creating resources

and if you want to optimize even further you can create a wrapper around the
default button resource and register it as a shared resource. this wrapper
would read the text off the url and pass it on to the default button
resource. this way you dont even need to use Image, a much simpler custom
class will do since all it has to do is set the src attr to the proper url.



Hi All!

I have noticed that ResourceReferences to DefaultButtonImageResources are
stored inside a pagemap and this is stored in users sessions. Is this the
usual behaviour of wicket or can I tune it? My current session size depends
mostly on size of all used Images which are factoried as ResourceReferences.

My code flow looks like this:

DefaultButtonImageResource button = new DefaultButtonImageResource(text);
ResourceReference reference = new ResourceReference(resourceKey, button);
Image image = Image(name, reference);

and now some code from my page class:

private List<Image> activeButtons = new LinkedList<Image>();

Why is it necessary to store the whole image within the pagemap? May be I
am doing someting wrong, do I?

Thank you very much for any help.

I have currently running my application succesfully on glassfish.
Everything is great, the final prblem is only the size of pagemaps which
mostly consist of image data.


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