> 1. select lists are *much* easier to populate, manipulate, and deal with. ;)

Could you write some pseudo-code (or real code) that is simpler than
the current implementation?  I.e. what steps in the current
implementation can be streamlined?

> > 2. paging and sorting tables/grids/lists are *much, much* easier to
> > implement, something I wish would be made easier in Wicket.  I'd do it
> > myself if I had time...and tried in the past...but am just not skilled
> > enough to do yet.

Similarly, apart from a completely different approach what would a
nicer API look like?

> > 3. IDE support - both Netbeans and Eclipse have good support for JSF...it'd
> > be nice if the tools supported the technology in Wicket (convenience stuff).
> > I haven't tried the eclipse plugin but I'm not sure it would work well w/ a
> > MyEclipse enterprise project....and I do mostly EJB3.0 architecture.
> > 4. Databinding - sometimes it is nice to set it and forget it...and only use
> > components when you need it.  This of course, is contrary to Wicket...and
> > differs too much conceptually to do anything about.
> > 5. Seamless capability to go stateless.

What about a StatelessPage (1.3 & 2.0) that had a Visitor that checked
whether any of its components were not stateless?

> > 6. I can inject a session bean into a JSF 1.2 managed bean using an @EJB
> > annoation...quick and simple.  I have to use JNDI lookups in Wicket...more
> > code to manage.
> > 7. The "model" concept can be tricky in certain cases and isn't intuitive...

Scott Swank
reformed mathematician

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