To my presentation im doing both a jsp version and a wicket version of a very 
small applikation (might just be a form or two separate pages with forms), btw 
would it be an idea to put the presentation with examples up somewhere perhaps 
the wiki (when im done with it?)?



However upon doing this I've stumbled into something I find odd, in the below 
code the label called model are not updatet when it's model are changed, I got 
the same problem with the dropdown, I fixed that by calling the 
dropdown.modelchanged() method. But is it really necessary to call 
modelchanged? I saw the ajax example which is almost identical to this does not 
call modelchanged.




public class IndexPage extends WebPage {


                      public IndexPage() {


                                            FormModel formModel = new 


                                            final PropertyModel carModel = new 
PropertyModel(formModel, "carModel");

                                            final PropertyModel carBrand = new 
PropertyModel(formModel, "carBrand");


                                            IModel carsFromBrand = new 
AbstractReadOnlyModel() {


                                                                 public Object 
getObject(Component arg0) {

       String selected = (String) carBrand.getObject(null);

       if (selected != null) {

                             return Offline.getCarsFromBrand(selected);


       return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;




                                            add(new Label("brand", carBrand));

                                            add(new Label("model", carModel));

                                            Form form = new Form("theform");


                                            final DropDownChoice ddcCarModel = 
new DropDownChoice("carmodel",

       carModel, carsFromBrand) {

boolean wantOnSelectionChangedNotifications() {

       return true;



                                            DropDownChoice ddcCarbrand = new 
DropDownChoice("carbrand", carBrand,

       Offline.getCarBrands()) {

boolean wantOnSelectionChangedNotifications() {

       return true;



                                                                 protected void 
onSelectionChanged(Object arg0) {

       // TODO Auto-generated method stub















From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nino Wael
Sent: 4. januar 2007 14:16
Subject: [Wicket-user] wicket presentation


Hi im doing a wicket presentation for our consultants team, on this first 
teaser I have about ten minutes.



I plan to talk something about markup inheritance(the stuff with panels and 
borders, which are very nice), and the POJO concept.


Also wickets model concept and that you don't have to think about the tedious 
tasks like printing html and setting the correct radio to be selected. I guess 
that part will be a big eye opener for some of them:-)


Which features should I show?



The crowd will maximum have knowledge of struts or simple jsp pages.




Regards Nino

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