  maybe the question is a bit dumb, but I haven't found a definitive answer.

I have a custom panel MyPanel which is added to a MyPage.
The component must use internally same labels whose values are
localized, and are to be found in MyPage.properties (because MyPanel
will be reused in different pages, and with different labels)
Now in the constructor of MyPanel I cannot find out which is the page
it belongs.. in fact  getParent() and getPage() are null (obviously,
this isn't a problem with wicket 2 where I have the parent in the
The workaround I've found is to override the getModel method of the
labels... something like:

//this is the constructor of MyPanel
public MyPanel(String id, final BeanModel beanModel)
..super(id, beanModel);
..add(new Label("header", mybeanModel) {
....public IModel getModel() {
......String localizedHeader = getLocalizer().getString("header",
getPage(), "header");
......return new Model(localizedHeader);

It's a sort of 'late binding' of the label model.
Is this solution correct? are there any 'nasty' side effects I'm not aware of?
Are there better solutions?

Thanks a lot

Filippo Diotalevi

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