I was developing from home for my work last week and since I'm not a Windows
fan, I developed under OsX using Firefox, everything was great.  Today, I
got an issue with AjaxEventBehavior.  It seem's that the event is not
generated the same way between firefox and IE7.  Can somebody tell me how I
can achieve the thing I want to do (When something is selected, check if it
represent something special immediately).  I'll paste a demo code right here
but here is what it do :

When I select a radio button, I change a variable and display it.
Under firefox, When the radio button is clicked, I got an event telling me
so inside the proper object
Under IE7, it call the event when I'm changing of radio button (1 is
selected, I go to 2) and is called from the last object (in this case, 1)

So, for example, making something appear when a radio button is selected is
a feature that will not work on IE7 since it will appear when I quit this
option, not when I enter it.  Is there a possible fix for this ??

Here is the quick start code :
Markup :
<div wicket:id="RadioGroup">
   <div wicket:id="ListView">
       <input type="radio" wicket:id="radio"/><span
Selected radio button : <span wicket:id="selection"></span>
Java :
final RadioGroup radioGroup = new RadioGroup("RadioGroup", new Model());
final Label selectionLabel = new Label("selection", new PropertyModel(this,
selectionLabel.setOutputMarkupId (true);
ListView listView=new ListView("ListView", RadioList) {
   protected void populateItem (final ListItem item)
       Radio radio = new Radio("radio", item.getModel());
       radio.add (new AjaxEventBehavior("onchange")
           protected void onEvent (AjaxRequestTarget target)
               System.out.println("Selected : " + item.getModelObject ());
               setSelection (item.getModelObjectAsString ());
               target.addComponent (selectionLabel);
       item.add(new Label("label", (String)item.getModelObject ()));
radioGroup.add (listView);
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