I just asked on the developer list


On 2/2/07, Scott Swank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Nice, thank you.  Where does the process to replace DatePicker stand?
> On 2/2/07, Eelco Hillenius <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> > The date converter is being phased out because it is messy in many
> > ways (and the java.util.Date API is partly to blame for that!). I
> > think you would do best just copying the whole component to your own
> > project and then tweaking it in getInitiScript and by depending on
> > your own date converter for getting the proper patterns.
> >
> > Btw, if you are working with different locales, the client's time zone
> > is something you might want to consider as well. Here is something
> > that does that and which depends on JodaTime
> >
> >
> > import java.util.Date ;
> > import java.util.TimeZone;
> >
> > import org.joda.time.DateTime;
> > import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone;
> > import org.joda.time.MutableDateTime;
> > import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat;
> > import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter ;
> >
> > import wicket.Session;
> > import wicket.protocol.http.request.WebClientInfo;
> > import wicket.request.ClientInfo;
> > import wicket.util.convert.SimpleConverterAdapter;
> >
> > /**
> > * Date converter that can be smart about differences in time zone between
> > * clients and server. NOT thread safe.
> > *
> > * @author eelcohillenius
> > */
> > public class DateConverter extends SimpleConverterAdapter {
> >
> >         /**
> >          * Whether to apply the time zone difference when interpreting
> dates.
> >          *
> >          * </p>
> >          * When true, the current time is applied on the parsed date, and
> the date
> >          * will be corrected for the time zone difference between the
> server and the
> >          * client. For instance, if I'm in Seattle and the server I'm
> working on is
> >          * in Amsterdam, the server is 9 hours ahead. So, if I'm inputting
> say 12/24
> >          * at a couple of hours before midnight, at the server it is
> already 12/25.
> >          * If this boolean is true, it will be transformed to 12/25, while
> the
> >          * client sees 12/24.
> >          * </p>
> >          * <p>
> >          * True by default
> >          * </p>
> >          */
> >         private boolean applyTimeZoneDifference = true;
> >
> >         /** optional pattern to use. */
> >         private String datePattern;
> >
> >         /**
> >          * Construct.
> >          */
> >         public DateConverter() {
> >         }
> >
> >         /**
> >          * Gets whether to apply the time zone difference when
> interpreting dates.
> >          *
> >          * </p>
> >          * When true, the current time is applied on the parsed date, and
> the date
> >          * will be corrected for the time zone difference between the
> server and the
> >          * client. For instance, if I'm in Seattle and the server I'm
> working on is
> >          * in Amsterdam, the server is 9 hours ahead. So, if I'm inputting
> say 12/24
> >          * at a couple of hours before midnight, at the server it is
> already 12/25.
> >          * If this boolean is true, it will be transformed to 12/25, while
> the
> >          * client sees 12/24.
> >          * </p>
> >          *
> >          * @return whether to apply the difference in time zones between
> client and
> >          *         server
> >          */
> >         public final boolean getApplyTimeZoneDifference() {
> >                 return applyTimeZoneDifference;
> >         }
> >
> >         /**
> >          * Gets the optional date pattern.
> >          *
> >          * @return datePattern
> >          */
> >         public String getDatePattern() {
> >                 return datePattern;
> >         }
> >
> >         /**
> >          * Sets whether to apply the time zone difference when
> interpreting dates.
> >          *
> >          * </p>
> >          * When true, the current time is applied on the parsed date, and
> the date
> >          * will be corrected for the time zone difference between the
> server and the
> >          * client. For instance, if I'm in Seattle and the server I'm
> working on is
> >          * in Amsterdam, the server is 9 hours ahead. So, if I'm inputting
> say 12/24
> >          * at a couple of hours before midnight, at the server it is
> already 12/25.
> >          * If this boolean is true, it will be transformed to 12/25, while
> the
> >          * client sees 12/24.
> >          * </p>
> >          *
> >          * @param applyTimeZoneDifference
> >          *            whether to apply the difference in time zones
> between client
> >          *            and server
> >          */
> >         public final void
> setApplyTimeZoneDifference(boolean applyTimeZoneDifference)
> {
> >                 this.applyTimeZoneDifference = applyTimeZoneDifference;
> >         }
> >
> >         /**
> >          * Sets the optional date pattern.
> >          *
> >          * @param datePattern
> >          *            datePattern
> >          */
> >         public void setDatePattern(String datePattern) {
> >                 this.datePattern = datePattern;
> >         }
> >
> >         @Override
> >         public Object toObject(String value) {
> >
> >                 DateTimeFormatter format = getFormat();
> >
> >                 if (applyTimeZoneDifference) {
> >                         TimeZone zone =
> getClientTimeZone();
> >                         // instantiate now/ current time
> >                         MutableDateTime dt = new
> MutableDateTime();
> >                         if (zone != null) {
> >                                 // set time zone for
> client
> >                                 format =
> format.withZone(DateTimeZone.forTimeZone(zone));
> >
> dt.setZone(DateTimeZone.forTimeZone(zone));
> >                         }
> >                         // parse date retaining the time of the submission
> >                         format.parseInto(dt, value, 0);
> >                         // apply the server time zone to the parsed value
> >
> dt.setZone(DateTimeZone.forTimeZone(TimeZone.getDefault()));
> >                         return dt.toDate();
> >                 } else {
> >                         return format.parseDateTime(value).toDate();
> >                 }
> >         }
> >
> >         @Override
> >         public String toString(Object value) {
> >
> >                 DateTime dt = new DateTime(((Date) value).getTime());
> >                 DateTimeFormatter format = getFormat();
> >
> >                 if (applyTimeZoneDifference) {
> >                         TimeZone zone =
> getClientTimeZone();
> >                         if (zone != null) {
> >                                 // apply time zone to
> formatter
> >                                 format =
> format.withZone(DateTimeZone.forTimeZone(zone));
> >                         }
> >                 }
> >                 return format.print(dt);
> >         }
> >
> >         /**
> >          * Gets the client's time zone.
> >          *
> >          * @return The client's time zone or null
> >          */
> >         private TimeZone getClientTimeZone() {
> >                 ClientInfo info = Session.get().getClientInfo();
> >                 if (info instanceof WebClientInfo) {
> >                         return ((WebClientInfo)
> info).getProperties().getTimeZone();
> >                 }
> >                 return null;
> >         }
> >
> >         /**
> >          * @return formatter
> >          */
> >         private DateTimeFormatter getFormat() {
> >                 if (datePattern != null) {
> >                         return DateTimeFormat.forPattern(datePattern);
> >                 } else {
> >                         return
> DateTimeFormat.shortDate().withLocale(Session.get().getLocale());
> >                 }
> >         }
> > }
> >
> > import java.util.Date;
> >
> > import wicket.markup.ComponentTag;
> > import wicket.markup.html.form.TextField;
> > import wicket.model.IModel;
> > import wicket.util.convert.IConverter;
> >
> > /**
> > * A TextField that is mapped to a <code>java.util.Date</code> object and
> that
> > * uses Joda time to parse and format values.
> > * <p>
> > * You can provide a date pattern in two of the constructors. When not
> provided,
> > * [EMAIL PROTECTED] DateTimeFormat#shortDate()} will be used.
> > * </p>
> > * <p>
> > * A special option is applyTimeZoneDifference which is an option that says
> > * whether to correct for the difference between the client's time zone and
> > * server's time zone. This is true by default.
> > * </p>
> > *
> > * @see DateTime
> > * @see DateTimeFormat
> > * @see DateTimeZone
> > *
> > * @author eelcohillenius
> > */
> > public class DateTextField extends TextField {
> >
> >         private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
> >
> >         /**
> >          * The converter for the TextField
> >          */
> >         private DateConverter converter = new DateConverter();
> >
> >         /**
> >          * Creates a new DateTextField, without a specified pattern. This
> is the
> >          * same as calling <code>new TextField(id, Date.class)</code>
> >          *
> >          * @param id
> >          *            The id of the text field
> >          *
> >          * @see wicket.markup.html.form.TextField
> >          */
> >         public DateTextField(String id) {
> >                 super(id, Date.class);
> >         }
> >
> >         /**
> >          * Creates a new DateTextField, without a specified pattern. This
> is the
> >          * same as calling <code>new TextField(id, object,
> Date.class)</code>
> >          *
> >          * @param id
> >          *            The id of the text field
> >          * @param object
> >          *            The model
> >          *
> >          * @see wicket.markup.html.form.TextField
> >          */
> >         public DateTextField(String id, IModel object) {
> >                 super(id, object, Date.class);
> >         }
> >
> >         /**
> >          * Creates a new DateTextField bound with a specific
> >          * [EMAIL PROTECTED] org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter}
> pattern.
> >          *
> >          * @param id
> >          *            The id of the text field
> >          * @param object
> >          *            The model
> >          * @param datePattern
> >          *            A [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter} pattern
> >          *
> >          * @see wicket.markup.html.form.TextField
> >          */
> >         public DateTextField(String id, IModel object, String datePattern)
> {
> >                 super(id, object, Date.class);
> >                 converter.setDatePattern(datePattern);
> >         }
> >
> >         /**
> >          * Creates a new DateTextField bound with a specific
> >          * [EMAIL PROTECTED] org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter}
> pattern.
> >          *
> >          * @param id
> >          *            The id of the text field
> >          * @param datePattern
> >          *            A [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter} pattern
> >          *
> >          * @see wicket.markup.html.form.TextField
> >          */
> >         public DateTextField(String id, String datePattern) {
> >                 super(id, Date.class);
> >                 converter.setDatePattern(datePattern);
> >         }
> >
> >         /**
> >          * Gets whether to apply the time zone difference when
> interpreting dates.
> >          *
> >          * </p>
> >          * When true, the current time is applied on the parsed date, and
> the date
> >          * will be corrected for the time zone difference between the
> server and the
> >          * client. For instance, if I'm in Seattle and the server I'm
> working on is
> >          * in Amsterdam, the server is 9 hours ahead. So, if I'm inputting
> say 12/24
> >          * at a couple of hours before midnight, at the server it is
> already 12/25.
> >          * If this boolean is true, it will be transformed to 12/25, while
> the
> >          * client sees 12/24.
> >          * </p>
> >          *
> >          * @return whether to apply the difference in time zones between
> client and
> >          *         server
> >          */
> >         public boolean getApplyTimeZoneDifference() {
> >                 return
> converter.getApplyTimeZoneDifference();
> >         }
> >
> >         /**
> >          * Returns the specialized converter.
> >          */
> >         @Override
> >         public IConverter getConverter() {
> >                 return converter;
> >         }
> >
> >         /**
> >          * Sets whether to apply the time zone difference when
> interpreting dates.
> >          *
> >          * </p>
> >          * When true, the current time is applied on the parsed date, and
> the date
> >          * will be corrected for the time zone difference between the
> server and the
> >          * client. For instance, if I'm in Seattle and the server I'm
> working on is
> >          * in Amsterdam, the server is 9 hours ahead. So, if I'm inputting
> say 12/24
> >          * at a couple of hours before midnight, at the server it is
> already 12/25.
> >          * If this boolean is true, it will be transformed to 12/25, while
> the
> >          * client sees 12/24.
> >          * </p>
> >          *
> >          * @param applyTimeZoneDifference
> >          *            whether to apply the difference in time zones
> between client
> >          *            and server
> >          */
> >         public void setApplyTimeZoneDifference(boolean
> applyTimeZoneDifference) {
> >
> converter.setApplyTimeZoneDifference(applyTimeZoneDifference);
> >         }
> >
> >         @Override
> >         protected void onComponentTag(ComponentTag tag) {
> >                 super.onComponentTag (tag);
> >                 tag.put("onfocus", "this.select();");
> >         }
> > }
> >
> >
> > If you plan to use this, you surely should patch DatePicker.
> >
> > The time difference isn't as obvious when you work with dates, but you
> > can have weird differences. If you work with times, it is more
> > obvious. As a bonus, here is code to let you work with times:
> >
> > import java.util.Arrays;
> > import java.util.Date;
> > import java.util.TimeZone;
> >
> > import org.joda.time.DateTimeFieldType;
> > import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone;
> > import org.joda.time.MutableDateTime;
> >
> > import
> ts4.web.wicket.component.datepicker.settings.DatePickerSettings;
> > import wicket.Session ;
> > import
> wicket.extensions.markup.html.datepicker.DatePicker;
> > import wicket.markup.html.form.DropDownChoice;
> > import wicket.markup.html.form.FormComponentPanel;
> > import wicket.markup.html.form.TextField;
> > import
> wicket.markup.html.form.validation.NumberValidator;
> > import wicket.model.IModel;
> > import wicket.model.PropertyModel;
> > import wicket.protocol.http.request.WebClientInfo;
> > import wicket.request.ClientInfo;
> >
> > /**
> > * Works on a [EMAIL PROTECTED] java.util.Date} object. Displays a date 
> > field and a
> date
> > * picker, a field for hours and a field for minutes, and a AM/ PM field.
> > *
> > * @author eelcohillenius
> > * @see DateField for a variant with just the date field and date picker
> > */
> > public class DateTimeField extends FormComponentPanel {
> >
> >         private static enum AM_PM {
> >                 AM, PM
> >         }
> >
> >         private AM_PM amOrPm = AM_PM.AM;
> >
> >         private DropDownChoice amOrPmChoice;
> >
> >         /**
> >          * Whether to apply the time zone difference when interpreting
> dates.
> >          *
> >          * </p>
> >          * When true, the current time is applied on the parsed date, and
> the date
> >          * will be corrected for the time zone difference between the
> server and the
> >          * client. For instance, if I'm in Seattle and the server I'm
> working on is
> >          * in Amsterdam, the server is 9 hours ahead. So, if I'm inputting
> say 12/24
> >          * at a couple of hours before midnight, at the server it is
> already 12/25.
> >          * If this boolean is true, it will be transformed to 12/25, while
> the
> >          * client sees 12/24.
> >          * </p>
> >          * <p>
> >          * True by default
> >          * </p>
> >          */
> >         private boolean applyTimeZoneDifference = true;
> >
> >         private MutableDateTime date;
> >
> >         private DateTextField dateField;
> >
> >         private Integer hours;
> >
> >         private TextField hoursField;
> >
> >         private Integer minutes;
> >
> >         private TextField minutesField;
> >
> >         /**
> >          * Construct.
> >          *
> >          * @param id
> >          */
> >         public DateTimeField(String id) {
> >                 super(id);
> >                 init();
> >         }
> >
> >         /**
> >          * Construct.
> >          *
> >          * @param id
> >          * @param model
> >          */
> >         public DateTimeField(String id, IModel model) {
> >                 super(id, model);
> >                 init();
> >         }
> >
> >         /**
> >          * Gets amOrPm.
> >          *
> >          * @return amOrPm
> >          */
> >         public AM_PM getAmOrPm() {
> >                 return amOrPm;
> >         }
> >
> >         /**
> >          * Gets whether to apply the time zone difference when
> interpreting dates.
> >          *
> >          * </p>
> >          * When true, the current time is applied on the parsed date, and
> the date
> >          * will be corrected for the time zone difference between the
> server and the
> >          * client. For instance, if I'm in Seattle and the server I'm
> working on is
> >          * in Amsterdam, the server is 9 hours ahead. So, if I'm inputting
> say 12/24
> >          * at a couple of hours before midnight, at the server it is
> already 12/25.
> >          * If this boolean is true, it will be transformed to 12/25, while
> the
> >          * client sees 12/24.
> >          * </p>
> >          *
> >          * @return whether to apply the difference in time zones between
> client and
> >          *         server
> >          */
> >         public final boolean getApplyTimeZoneDifference() {
> >                 return applyTimeZoneDifference;
> >         }
> >
> >         /**
> >          * Gets date.
> >          *
> >          * @return date
> >          */
> >         public Date getDate() {
> >                 return (date != null) ? date.toDate() : null;
> >         }
> >
> >         /**
> >          * Gets hours.
> >          *
> >          * @return hours
> >          */
> >         public Integer getHours() {
> >                 return hours;
> >         }
> >
> >         /**
> >          * Gets minutes.
> >          *
> >          * @return minutes
> >          */
> >         public Integer getMinutes() {
> >                 return minutes;
> >         }
> >
> >         /**
> >          * Sets amOrPm.
> >          *
> >          * @param amOrPm
> >          *            amOrPm
> >          */
> >         public void setAmOrPm(AM_PM amOrPm) {
> >                 this.amOrPm = amOrPm;
> >         }
> >
> >         /**
> >          * Sets whether to apply the time zone difference when
> interpreting dates.
> >          *
> >          * </p>
> >          * When true, the current time is applied on the parsed date, and
> the date
> >          * will be corrected for the time zone difference between the
> server and the
> >          * client. For instance, if I'm in Seattle and the server I'm
> working on is
> >          * in Amsterdam, the server is 9 hours ahead. So, if I'm inputting
> say 12/24
> >          * at a couple of hours before midnight, at the server it is
> already 12/25.
> >          * If this boolean is true, it will be transformed to 12/25, while
> the
> >          * client sees 12/24.
> >          * </p>
> >          *
> >          * @param applyTimeZoneDifference
> >          *            whether to apply the difference in time zones
> between client
> >          *            and server
> >          */
> >         public final void
> setApplyTimeZoneDifference(boolean applyTimeZoneDifference)
> {
> >                 this.applyTimeZoneDifference = applyTimeZoneDifference;
> >                 dateField.setApplyTimeZoneDifference
> (applyTimeZoneDifference);
> >         }
> >
> >         /**
> >          * Sets date.
> >          *
> >          * @param date
> >          *            date
> >          */
> >         public void setDate(Date date) {
> >                  this.date = (date != null) ? new MutableDateTime(date) :
> null;
> >         }
> >
> >         /**
> >          * Sets hours.
> >          *
> >          * @param hours
> >          *            hours
> >          */
> >         public void setHours(Integer hours) {
> >                 this.hours = hours;
> >         }
> >
> >         /**
> >          * Sets minutes.
> >          *
> >          * @param minutes
> >          *            minutes
> >          */
> >         public void setMinutes(Integer minutes) {
> >                 this.minutes = minutes;
> >         }
> >
> >         @Override
> >         public void updateModel() {
> >
> >                 dateField.updateModel();
> >                 hoursField.updateModel();
> >                  minutesField.updateModel();
> >                 amOrPmChoice.updateModel();
> >
> >                 if (date != null) {
> >
> >                         try {
> >                                 if
> (applyTimeZoneDifference) {
> >                                         TimeZone zone =
> getClientTimeZone();
> >                                         if (zone != null)
> {
> >
> date.setZone(DateTimeZone.forTimeZone (zone));
> >                                         }
> >                                 }
> >
> >                                 if (hours != null) {
> >
> date.set(DateTimeFieldType.hourOfHalfday (), hours);
> >
> date.setMinuteOfHour((minutes != null) ? minutes : 0);
> >                                 }
> >                                 if (amOrPm == AM_PM.PM) {
> >
> date.set(DateTimeFieldType.halfdayOfDay(), 1);
> >                                 } else {
> >
> date.set(DateTimeFieldType.halfdayOfDay(), 0);
> >                                 }
> >                         } catch (RuntimeException e) {
> >
> DateTimeField.this.error(e.getMessage());
> >                                 invalid();
> >                         }
> >
> >                         // the date will be in the server's timezone
> >                         Date d = date.toDate();
> >                         setModelObject(d);
> >                 } else {
> >                         setModelObject(null);
> >                 }
> >         }
> >
> >         protected DatePickerSettings newDatePickerSettings() {
> >                 return new DatePickerSettings();
> >         }
> >
> >         @Override
> >         protected void onAttach() {
> >
> >                 Date d = (Date) getModelObject();
> >                 if (d != null) {
> >                         date = new MutableDateTime(d);
> >                 } else {
> >                         date = null;
> >                 }
> >
> >                 if (date != null) {
> >
> >                         if (applyTimeZoneDifference) {
> >                                 // convert date to the
> client's time zone if we have that info
> >                                 TimeZone zone =
> getClientTimeZone();
> >                                 // instantiate with the
> previously set date
> >                                 if (zone != null) {
> >
> date.setZone(DateTimeZone.forTimeZone(zone));
> >                                 }
> >                         }
> >
> >                         hours =
> date.get(DateTimeFieldType.hourOfHalfday());
> >                         minutes = date.getMinuteOfHour();
> >                         amOrPm =
> (date.get(DateTimeFieldType.halfdayOfDay()) == 0) ?
> > AM_PM.AM : AM_PM.PM;
> >
> >                         // we don't really have to reset the date field to
> the server's
> >                         // timezone, as it's the same milis from EPOCH
> anyway, and toDate
> >                         // will always get the Date object initialized for
> the time zone
> >                         // of the server
> >                 }
> >
> >                 super.onAttach();
> >         }
> >
> >         /**
> >          * Gets the client's time zone.
> >          *
> >          * @return The client's time zone or null
> >          */
> >         private TimeZone getClientTimeZone() {
> >                 ClientInfo info = Session.get().getClientInfo();
> >                 if (info instanceof WebClientInfo) {
> >                         return ((WebClientInfo)
> info).getProperties().getTimeZone();
> >                 }
> >                 return null;
> >         }
> >
> >         private void init() {
> >
> >                 setType(Date.class);
> >                 add(dateField = new DateTextField("date", new
> PropertyModel(this, "date")));
> >                 add(new DatePicker("picker", dateField,
> newDatePickerSettings()));
> >                 add(hoursField = new TextField("hours", new
> PropertyModel(this,
> > "hours"), Integer.class ));
> >                 hoursField.add(NumberValidator.range(0, 12));
> >                 add(minutesField = new
> TextField("minutes", new PropertyModel(this,
> > "minutes"), Integer.class));
> >                  minutesField.add(NumberValidator.range(0, 60));
> >                 add(amOrPmChoice = new
> DropDownChoice("amOrPmChoice", new
> > PropertyModel(this, "amOrPm"), Arrays.asList(AM_PM
> >                                 .values())));
> >         }
> > }
> >
> > <wicket:panel>
> >   <span style="white-space: nowrap;">
> >     <input type="text" wicket:id="date" size="8" />
> >     <span wicket:id="picker" />
> >     <input type="text" wicket:id="hours" size="2" />&nbsp;:
> >     <input type="text" wicket:id="minutes" size="2" />
> >     <select wicket:id="amOrPmChoice"></select>
> >   </span>
> > </wicket:panel>
> >
> >
> > On 2/2/07, Scott Swank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > The text field has yy, while the date picker puts yyyy into the date --
> > > whether it's MM/dd/yyyy or dd/MM/yyyy (due to i18n).  Then we get an
> > > annoying npe rendering the feedback panel -- which I still haven't
> tracked
> > > down.
> > >
> > > popup contains panel
> > > panel contains form
> > > form contains fields with validation
> > > form contains date pickers that are tied to two of the fields
> > > form also has form-level validation
> > > form also contains feedback panel with form component feedback borders
> > > around date fields
> > > form applies
> > >
> AjaxFormValidatingBehavior.addToAllFormComponents("onblur")
> > >
> > > When the date picker pushes an invalid date (check-in date before today
> or
> > > check-out date on/before check-in date) null pointers just roll in
> rendering
> > > the feedback panel.  I'm working to isolate this to a simpler case...
> > >
> > > Scott
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > On 2/2/07, Eelco Hillenius < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > The date picker component already tries to sync with the text field
> > > > you provide as the target. Did you try this?
> > > >
> > > > Eelco
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > On 2/1/07, Scott Swank <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> > > > > I just (a bit too optimistically) tried to get the converter from my
> > > > > TextField and use it to set the DateConverter for the corresponding
> > > > > DatePicker.  I definitely want to retain the i18n (mm/dd/yyyy for
> > > > > and dd/mm/yyyy for FRENCH).  Is there a straightforward way to synch
> up
> > > the
> > > > > DateConverters for a TextField and DatePicker while retaining
> > > > > internationalization?
> > > > >
> > > > >         RequiredTextField checkIn = new RequiredTextField("checkIn",
> new
> > > > > PropertyModel(roomRequest,
> > > > >                 "checkIn"), Date.class);
> > > > >         checkIn.setOutputMarkupId(true);
> > > > >         checkIn.add(DateValidator.minimum (getToday()));
> > > > >         add(checkIn);
> > > > >
> > > > >         DatePicker dp = new
> > > > > CylleniusCalendar("checkInPicker", checkIn);
> > > > >         dp.setOutputMarkupId (true);
> > > > >         dp.setDateConverter ((DateConverter) checkIn.getConverter
> ());
> > > > >         add(dp);
> > > > >
> > > > >  java.lang.ClassCastException: wicket.util.convert.Converter
> > > > >     at
> > > > >
> > >
> com.vegas.cart.wicket.components.RoomRequestForm.<init>(RoomRequestForm.java
> > > > > :69)
> > > > >
> > > > > Thank you,
> > > > > Scott
> > > > >
> > >
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/wicket-user
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> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > >  Scott Swank
> > > reformed mathematician
> > >
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> > Wicket-user@lists.sourceforge.net
> > https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/wicket-user
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> --
>  Scott Swank
> reformed mathematician
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
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