Hello all,

After closely considering Wicket and JSF my company has decided to go with
Wicket for our web development framework.  This was based on a two week
prototype effort between two teams of four developers each.  The Wicket team
made rapid progress and had extra time to add in unrequested features such
as i18n and JUnit tests, while still producing a clear, readable code base.

This is to the credit of the core Wicket developers, particularly the ones
on this list who were so helpful in answering our questions.  Thank you
all.  Here are some of the issues that in my mind were material factors.

1. The wicket group made very rapid progress because
 * the API is clean and easy to learn
 * the examples are excellent
 * things consistently work more or less as expected

In comparison the JSF group had substantial upfront decisions to make before
progress could begin in earnest:
 * use Sun's reference implementation or Apache MyFaces
 * use Facelets or no
 * which Ajax/DHTML framework integrates best with the above: ajax4jsf,
tomahawk, etc

2. Overall there was a preference for Wicket's Java components over JSF's
taglibs and backing bean code.  This was not a unanimous preference, and
taglibs are much more concise than Wicket code.  However, the cleanness of
the resulting HTML was a factor in Wicket's favor and the rapidity of the
development effort largely offset the comparative verbosity of the code
base.  This verbosity was most evident in ajax form feedback: feedback
panel, text field, ajax feedback border, ajax behavior, etc.

3. The reuse of Wicket components was also in its favor.  It is much easier
to create custom components via composition or inheritance in Wicket, the
palette is a great example of this.

Thank you again for your patience and helpful answers.

Scott Swank
reformed mathematician
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