Line #601 in is the only place where versionManager gets set
back to null from what I can tell..

                                // If we went all the way back to the
original page
                                if (page != null &&
page.getCurrentVersionNumber() == 0)
                                        // remove version info
                                        page.versionManager = null;

I am using bookmarkable pages, without an immediate redirect to a Page
instance, do bookmarkable pages stay on version 0 when invoking an ajax

Or should this be set to a new instance of VersionManager instead of null?


Johan Compagner wrote:
> this is very strange because as far as i know that flag is only set
> inside that if:
> if (!getFlag(FLAG_NEW_VERSION))  <-- this may return false?
>                 {
>                     // if we have no version manager
>                     if (versionManager == null)
>                     {
>                         // then install a new version manager
>                         versionManager = newVersionManager();
>                     }
>                     // start a new version
> versionManager.beginVersion(getRequest().mergeVersion());
>                     setFlag(FLAG_NEW_VERSION, true);
>                 }
> But i guess versionManager is in some places set to null gain.. Is
> then that flag not reset?
> johan
> On 3/5/07, *Aaron Hiniker * <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>     I ran this through my debugger, and my assumptions where correct. 
>     The FLAG_NEW_VERSION flag is set while versionManager is null. 
>     I'm, looking around and can't figure out the exact conditions that
>     would cause this.
>     Any thoughts?
>     Aaron
>     Aaron Hiniker wrote:
>>     Yeah, I know.  But I'm not messing with any versioning settings
>>     (this is just out-of-the-box ajax components and the like), so
>>     really there shouldn't be any of these issues, correct?  Here's
>>     mayTrackChangesFor() method, I've added a comment regarding my
>>     thoughts as to what is causing this:
>>         private final boolean mayTrackChangesFor(final Component
>>     component, MarkupContainer parent)
>>         {
>>             // Auto components do not participate in versioning since
>>     they are
>>             // added during the rendering phase (which is normally
>>     illegal).
>>             if (component.isAuto() || (parent == null &&
>>     !component.isVersioned())
>>                     || (parent != null && !parent.isVersioned()))
>>             {
>>                 return false;
>>             }
>>             else
>>             {
>>                 // the component is versioned... are we tracking
>>     changes at all?
>>                 if (getFlag(FLAG_TRACK_CHANGES))   <-- this returns true
>>                 {
>>                     // we are tracking changes... do we need to start
>>     new version?
>>                     if (!getFlag(FLAG_NEW_VERSION))  <-- this may
>>     return false?
>>                     {
>>                         // if we have no version manager
>>                         if (versionManager == null)
>>                         {
>>                             // then install a new version manager
>>                             versionManager = newVersionManager();
>>                         }
>>                         // start a new version
>>     versionManager.beginVersion(getRequest().mergeVersion());
>>                         setFlag(FLAG_NEW_VERSION, true);
>>                     }
>>                     // this returns true, even though versionManager
>>     is not set because of false check above
>>                     // return true as we are ready for versioning
>>                     return true;
>>                 }
>>                 // we are not tracking changes or the component not
>>     versioned
>>                 return false;
>>             }
>>         }
>>     Should I specifically be setting versioning/non-versioning for
>>     components to avoid this error?
>>     Aaron
>>     Johan Compagner wrote:
>>>     But if it is null then you could have a problem that things
>>>     should be versioned but arent..
>>>     So adding null checks is not the fix.
>>>     johan
>>>     On 3/2/07, * Aaron HIniker* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>     <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>>>         That's why I was pointing at mayTrackChangesFor()..  I
>>>         looked at the method and I can't see a loophole, but there
>>>         must be one to generate an NPE, correct?
>>>         When I implemented the not-null check, I noticed exceptions
>>>         still being thrown from 2 other methods (if you search
>>> for versionManager, you can see where there is the
>>>         assumption that mayTrackChangesFor() is checked for 'true',
>>>         yet versionManager is never initialized in other methods as
>>>         well.  So after adding the null check to each of these
>>>         methods, the application is working fine.  Thing is, I've
>>>         only seen this exception when dealing with ajax (default not
>>>         versioned, right?). 
>>>         I will try and run a debugger through mayTrackChangesFor()
>>>         with my current app, and see the logic flow and why
>>>         versionManager is ending up null.
>>>         Aaron
>>>         Johan Compagner wrote:
>>>>         That is because the mayTrackChangesFor() method should only
>>>>         return true
>>>>         when it makes a version manager. Why is that not the case?
>>>>         If that method returns true the version manager can't be
>>>>         null because the version info must be tracked.
>>>>         johan
>>>>         On 3/1/07, *Aaron Hiniker* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>>         <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>>>>             I pulled the latest from trunk.  And I am getting this NPE:
>>>>             16:30:14,543 ERROR [STDERR] java.lang.NullPointerException
>>>>             16:30:14,544 ERROR [STDERR]     at
>>>>             wicket.Page.componentStateChanging(
>>>>             16:30:14,545 ERROR [STDERR]     at
>>>>             wicket.Component.addStateChange(
>>>>             16:30:14,545 ERROR [STDERR]     at
>>>>             wicket.Component.setModel(
>>>>             16:30:14,545 ERROR [STDERR]     at
>>>>             wicket.MarkupContainer.setModel( :596)
>>>>             16:30:14,546 ERROR [STDERR]     at
>>>>             16:30:14,546 ERROR [STDERR]     at
>>>>             (
>>>>             16:30:14,546 ERROR [STDERR]     at
>>>>             16:30:14,547 ERROR [STDERR]     at
>>>>             (
>>>>             16:30:14,547 ERROR [STDERR]     at
>>>>             wicket.markup.html.form.Form.delegateSubmit(
>>>>             16:30:14,547 ERROR [STDERR]     at
>>>>             wicket.markup.html.form.Form.onFormSubmitted(
>>>>             16:30:14,547 ERROR [STDERR]     at
>>>>             sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
>>>>             I remember I was getting this NPE before, and I patched
>>>>             the source to
>>>>             include this null check in :
>>>>                     final void componentStateChanging(final
>>>>             Component component,
>>>>             Change change)
>>>>                     {
>>>>                             checkHierarchyChange(component);
>>>>                             dirty();
>>>>                             if (mayTrackChangesFor(component, null))
>>>>                             {
>>>>                                     if ( versionManager != null )
>>>>             versionManager.componentStateChanging(change);
>>>>                             }
>>>>                     }
>>>>             It seems that everywhere else in there is a
>>>>             null check for
>>>>             versionManager, except in this method.  Not sure, but
>>>>             perhaps the
>>>>             problem lies in the #mayTrackChangesFor() method, but
>>>>             in any case if I
>>>>             add this null check my code runs fine.
>>>>             Aaron
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