Here's the situation:

I have a panel that displays a list of users using
AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable.  This is working just fine.  I have a button
on the page, "Create" which launches a page based modal dialog with a form
for gathering input on the new user.  I couldn't get SubmitButton to work on
the modal dialog form, so I tried AjaxSubmitButton, which worked.  I get the
User object from the form, persist it with the data API (EJB3), and close
the window, which brings me back to the original user list panel.

All great, except the DataTable doesn't show the new entry.  I need to
update it somehow.  If I refresh, the re-rendered page / panel shows the new
entry.  So, I know it's making it into the database.

What would you guys suggest?  Should the traditional form submit logic work
on a page based modal dialog (thus triggering a round trip)?  Or is there a
way that I can trigger an Ajax update of the DataTable as part of the
closing method?

Thanks in advance.

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