On 4/17/07, legolas wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

thank you for reading my post.
Please let me know whether i understand wicket correctly

-We can create our own components in java code (in compliance with
Wicket interfaces and standards) and then use them to create web pages.


-Wicket let us create our web page in a swing like manner (No HTML, Just
write java code and it will create html pages using those java codes.)

no. in wicket you write html templates and marry them to your components. we
chose this way for many reasons. amongst them are: it is the most flexible
way as it gives you complete control of what goes into html, it lets
designers create mockups that are then easily reused to build the
application, etc, etc, etc, etc.

for frameworks that work like you want see ehco2, gwt, wingS. these
frameworks use layout managers like swing.

-We can build a complete web application using wicket without using any
single page of HTML

see above.



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