On 4/19/07, ZedroS Schwart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Johan
> I still don't manage to do redirection from my code.
> I've even tried to do some redirection to other website or the base
> URL of my app without success.
> The code I use is the following :
> package purgat.web.pages.user;
> import org.apache.wicket.PageParameters;
> import org.apache.wicket.ajax.AbstractAjaxTimerBehavior;
> import org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget;
> import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.link.BookmarkablePageLink;
> import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.pages.RedirectPage;
> import org.apache.wicket.util.time.Duration;
> import purgat.web.PurgatSession;
> import purgat.web.SecuredBasePage;
> import purgat.web.pages.base.IntroPage;
> public class LogoutPage extends SecuredBasePage {
>         public LogoutPage() {
>                 super();
>                 // Setting of the session's user to null to indicate the user 
> isn't log
>                 // in anymore
>                 ((PurgatSession) getSession()).setUser(null);
>                 BookmarkablePageLink manualLink = new 
> BookmarkablePageLink("linkTest",
>                                 IntroPage.class);
>                 add(manualLink);
>                 add(new AbstractAjaxTimerBehavior(Duration.seconds(5)) {
>                         protected void onTimer(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
>                                 setRedirect(true);
>                                 // setResponsePage(new 
> RedirectPage("http://www.google.com";));
> getResponse().redirect("http://www.google.com";);
>                         }
>                 });
>         }
> }
> Instead of http://www.google.com I tried with the base URL of my app.
> I'm using wicket 1.3 latest snapshot.
> What's wrong with my code ??

You can't use an ajax timer directly on page I think. There's a thread
about it this week.

This is the logout page we're using for the project I'm working on:

public class LogOutPage extends WebPage {

        public LogOutPage() {

                ((WebSession) getSession()).invalidate();

setResponsePage could be anything you want, like a redirect page, or
you could call RequestCycle.get().setRequestTarget() with e.g. an
instance of RedirectRequestTarget.

Not sure how well this works in 1.2 though.


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