if you want stateless page then all the components on that page must be
So if you make a simple page with only 1 form (with some text fields)
and that Form is a StatelessForm (instead of a norma Form component)
then that page is stateless
You can't call or set any property on a page to let the page be stateless.
Because it all depends whats components or behaviors are on the page.
If you add an ajax behavior then the page is not stateless
if you add a normal link (instead of a StatelessLink) then it is not

The only thing the page can do is that it must have a default or page
parameters constructor.


On 4/20/07, ZedroS Schwart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all

I would like to "fork" the discussion "Issue with redirection to intro
page after logout" to discuss stateless and/ or bookmarkable pages in
Wicket 1.3.

Indeed,  Eelco said :
Off topic, I think it's good practice to make your login page a
stateless page (using a stateless form), so that users can have that
page in front of them for hours and then sign in without even being
bothered with a session expiry exception. In fact, it's probably good
practice to have the whole part of the site where you don't require
users to log in implemented as stateless and/ or bookmarkable pages.
My 2c.

However, the wiki (there

) says few and I would like to implement such pages so... I've some
questions ! As usual, I will update the wiki afterwards so it should
not be lost.

In the source, I've seen that stateless pages are mainly pages where
the developer has to ovverride getStatelessHint as following :
protected boolean getStatelessHint()
                return true;

However, I've the following questions :
- how can I check my page is stateless ? Is calling getStatelessHint()
at the end of my page constructor enough ?
- do I just have to override the getStatelessHint for components
nested into others one ? For example, I would like to make my
LoginPage stateless. I'm using the SignInPanel from the examples, and
I've override the panel and form but the getStatelessHint()  of the
page still says "false", so... Furthermore, on the page submit,
nothing happens anymore (the validation of the data isn't done as well
as the onSubmit). What did I miss ?

Regarding Bookmarkable page, I've the following situation : my Login
page has a public constructor with no argument. As such, it should be
a Bookmarkable page (if I've understood properly the concept there :
http://cwiki.apache.org/WICKET/bookmarkable-pages-and-links.html ).
However, when, on logout, I invalidate the session and sent back the
user to the login page, the first login attempt gives back a "page
expired" error... What should I do ?

Thanks in advance

Best regards

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