I have a table which contains a list of users. At the end of each row there
is an delete/undo link. When the user clicks delete I want to hide the row
and replace it with only the undo link. What would be the best way to do
this? Thanks for your time.

            view = new ListView("rows", data) {
                  public void populateItem(ListItem listItem) {
                        UserType value = (UserType
ModalWindowPanel("userSearchPanel", value));

                        listItem.add(new CheckBox("admin", new Model(new
                        listItem.add(new DeleteUndoPanel("deleteUndoPanel",

            private class DeleteUndoPanel extends Panel {

            public DeleteUndoPanel(String id, final IModel model) {
                  super(id, model);
                  final UserType type = (UserType)this.getModelObject();

                  undoItem = new AjaxLink("undoItem") {

                              public boolean isVisible() {

                        public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
                  deleteItem = new AjaxLink("deleteItem") {

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