Hello everybody, 

I'm quite new to Wicket, and to web component framework to. 
Until now I just try simple examples, which seem to work (really) fine.
So now, I want to pass to a little more complexe one, to try to
understand how things work in Wicket (version 1.3). 

I work on LDAP directories, so I play with *entries*, identified by
there "dn". Each entry has a Set of *attributes*. Attributes are linked
to an unique entry, are identified by there "name", and have a Set of
*values*. A spring managed DAO allows to do CRUD actions on entries. A
summary of these object is given at the end of the email.

I think I understand that I have to take care that objects are
detachable. I succeed in using spring annotation to use a spring proxy
to connect to my DAO and retrieve an entry and write his it on screen.

Now, I want to see how powerful is wicket, and for that I want to
translate this algo to edit an entry 
* given an entry {
  print the dn ;
  for each attribute {
    select an input method base on the name of the attribute;
    for each value {
      add an edit box according to the input method;

(I think that the printing of an entry would work on the same model,
say :
* given an entry {
  print the dn ;
  for each attribute {
    select a formatting method;
    for each value {
      print the value formatted according to the selected method;

If I well understand how works wicket, I need to define a detachable
model for the "entry" object, and a detachable model for each "type" of
attribute. Then, I have to play with repeaters at attribute and value
level. Or perhaps I need to define a component for each attribute ?
Well, as you see, I don't know where to begin. I look carefully in
examples and wiki, but I don't really find how to put concept together. 
Could you, please, point me some entries or give me some advice in the
main line of what I have to do to implement my algo ?

Any help would be welcome, 

PS : to detail a little bit mare, I have these objects (and I have to
deals with them, I cannot change them because I relay upon a framework):

SpringEntryDao {
  Entry get(String dn);

Entry { 
  String dn:
  Set<Attribute> attributes;
  Attribute getAttribute(String name)
  void setAttribute(Attribute attribute)

Attribute {
  String name;
  Set<Value> values;
  Value getValue(); //return next value if one remain, null otherwise
  Set<Value> getValues(); //return a set of all value

Value {
  Object value;
  Object getValue();

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