You might want to make it so you can dynamically generate a page title
where you need to, instead of always requiring a static page title. The
trick is to return an IModel from the getPageTitle method in your base
page. Here's how I've done it:

<title wicket:id="pageHeaderTitle">Foo</title>

public class BasePage extends WebPage {

    public BasePage() {
        add(new Label("pageHeaderTitle", getPageTitle()));
    public IModel getPageTitle() {
        return new ResourceModel("page.title");


On Tue, Apr 24, 2007 at 10:33:54AM +0900, David Leangen wrote:
> > i tried to use Label() with PropertyModel("pageTitle") but didn't work for 
> > me.  it rendered "Home" string all the time, no matter what the locale was.
> > any ideas how to do this?
> You can do something like this:
> new Label( componentId, new StringResourceModel( "pageTitle", this, new
> Model() ) );
> In your properties file:
> pageTitle=Home
> In your html:
> <span wicket:id="componentId">Dummy text</span>
> Look for StringResourceModel in ProWicket or in the API docs.
> Dave
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