I've got some groovy code which processes an xml file and generates some html.  
Right now I do it at build time, but would really prefer to do it at run 
time.   I've got some code hooked up which does so, but all I get is an empty 

I'm using wicket 1.3.0-snapshot (prior to the name change)

when building the page, I run the following groovy code, where the buffer 
contains the html I generate.

MarkupParser  parser          = new MarkupParser( new XmlPullParser() )
Markup        markup          = parser.parse( buffer )

def markupStream    = new MarkupStream( markup )

page.setMarkupStream( markupStream )

I've tried overriding onRender in the page java code and calling 
renderComponent with my markup stream, but I still don't get anything 
showing.   It works with the same html generated at build time.

Am I way off base and this just won't work, or do I have some details mucked 


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