Sounds like a similar bug I had with overriding getVariation on WebPage.
This is now fixed in 1.2.6. The wicket authors had to rearrange the
ordering of initialization to ensure that my constructor got called
before the call to my overridden getVariation method. It could be that
they may have to do a similar thing for your case.

At the time I proposed a two phase initialization solution like most OO
frameworks have adopted: 

Phase 1: Constructors are called and allowed to return resulting in
fully constructed objects.

Phase 2: The framework calls 'init' on the fully constructed object - at
this point init will be working on fully constructed objects and so
avoid the issue I had and the issue you are having with parameters not
yet being processed and member data and relationships possibly not being
in the correct state.

The wicket authors prefer the current, single phase construction
approach, over a two phase initialization approach because it avoids the
task of writing 'init' methods but given that just about every other OO
framework I've ever used uses two phase initialization of objects I
think that wicket will continue to suffer bugs like yours and mine.

As wicket's popularity snowballs they're going to get more and more
propeller head users like you and me that have a great idea and then try
and implement it in wicket - often going where no man or woman has gone
before and pushing things to the edge of breaking. To date they've been
able to rearrange things under the bonnet to work around my issue and I
hope they can do that with your issue too but I fear that one day
someone is going to come up with a great idea that won't elegantly work
with a single phase construction/initialization mechanism. I don't know
how what the outcome of that would be.

> hrm. i would consider that a bug i think. i dont see why it would get
> called
> before constructor. can you set a breakpoint in there and paste the
> stacktrace please.
> -igor
> On 5/3/07, Thomas R. Corbin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > I don't see any way to delay the markup processing/loading until
> > after I can examine the PageParameters.

Exactly what my problem was.

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