that is actually the page id not component id. so either you create 1500
pages in between, or stateless pages generate random ids - which it didnt
look like from the code...


On 5/4/07, Jeremy Thomerson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Should I be concerned that the numbers in the following URLs jump so
much?  This is on a page signed in as an admin, where I do have some
callback links that are stateful.

On one page view, here is an admin link:
I refresh (no other page views in between), and it changes to:

That's an increase of 1500 in a single page view... I am concerned that
somehow this means that I have 1500 components going into memory for a
single page?  Is that number changing so drastically something to be alarmed

Thank you!

On 5/3/07, Eelco Hillenius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Thanks to everyone for their help - I'm starting right away to convert
> > everything to detachable models for all domain objects that are loaded
> into
> > components...
> If you're only working with stateless pages, you don't detachable
> models as those pages won't be stored to start with. But if you want
> to reuse the models and components in stateful pages, it is better to
> have that.
> > Eelco, I am curious about your statement "when you have no callbacks,
> you're
> > page will be stateless and not kept in memory"...  Most of my pages
> have no
> > callbacks (by callback, I'm assuming that you mean a link that would
> have
> > reference to wicket components in the URL, meaning that it is storing
> the
> > state of that component so that it can further interact with it).
> Yep. Normal Links, Forms, ajax requests etc.
> > I have
> > taken great care to control the URLs of the application, so almost
> every
> > page has only components that have standard URLs, with no references
> to any
> > components, etc.  The forms will obviously have a call back, and
> certain
> > links (particularly if you are signed in as an administrator - a lot
> of
> > links appear to edit and delete content that are all direct callbacks
> with
> > obviously no direct URL encoding / decoding so that you can not use
> them
> > outside of your session).
> Not sure what you're getting at...
> > So, how do I know if it's storing the pages in memory?  Is there
> something I
> > can do to tell it not to?
> Yeah, you can give provide a HINT that they shouldn't be stored (that
> they are stateless) by overriding getStatelessHint on the components
> you put on the page. Note that if there is just one stateful component
> on the page, that'll trigger the page to be marked as stateful UNLESS
> you explicitly mark the page itself stateless (which is a bit cheaper
> by the way, as it won't iterate over it's children to find out whether
> it is stateless).
> The method where this all happens is Page#isPageStateless.
> Also, if you want to keep track of when user sessions are created,
> create a custom session store by overriding newSessionStore on
> Application and let your custom store extend HttpSessionStore or
> SecondLevelCacheSessionStore and then override onBind which will be
> called when (new) sessions are bound to the HttpSession.
> Eelco

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