use onclick instead of onchange.


On 5/5/07, Tauren Mills <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have numerous ajax calls throughout my app, and they work fine in
> both FF and IE.  However, there is one that behaves differently in IE
> and FF.  It seems that the "onchange" behavior of a checkbox happens
> at different times between the browsers.  With FF, the event is sent
> as soon as the checkbox is checked.  In IE, it isn't sent until the
> user clicks off the checkbox somewhere else on the page.
> How do I get IE to behave the same as FF?  I want the call to be made
> as soon as the user clicks onto the checkbox.  Is there a solution?
> It probably doesn't matter, but just in case, here is the code:
> CheckBox cb = new CheckBox("scheduled",new
>         PropertyModel(rr.getAvailability(),"scheduled"));
> cb.add(new AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior("onchange") {
>     @Override
>     protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
>         // Model is changed automatically
>         target.appendJavascript("toggleSelection(document.getElementById('"+
>             getComponent().getMarkupId()+"'))");
>     }
> });
> add(cb);
> The backing model rr.getAvailability is a Hibernate entity.  When the
> checkbox is checked or unchecked, the boolean property "scheduled" is
> changed in the entity and automatically persisted to the DB.
> Thanks!
> Tauren
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