I am not native English speaker.
sorry for poor English.
I use wicket 1.2.6 .
I have question to use WicketTester.
i want to make Global object ,create instance in WebApplication Class and
create method to access the instance.
In WebPage class ,access the instance like this
SingleClass class = ((FooApplication)getApplication()).getSingleClass();
'FooApplication' extends WebApplication and 'SingleClass' is Global object's
To test the above WebPage class, make the class 'FooApplicationTester' that
extends WicketTester and
Copy & Paste the FooApplication's method .
when run the test code, ClassCastException happens.
I declared interface IFooApplication and implement at FooApplication and
I changed the WebPage class like this
SingleClass class = ((IFooApplication)getApplication()).getSingleClass();
This way, I can run without exception.
But I don't want to create interface.
Is there other way to solve ?
best regards
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