Problem 1:

In my application, I have mounted a couple of urls.


1> log on using bookmarkable url
2> click on a link in that page which presents me with different panel which
replaces an exisiting panel.
[ So basically the view that a user gets is different from when he logs in
after clicking this link]

3>Do an operation in this new panel which causes a pop up to be shown to the
4> Do a save operation in the pop up window and  using javascript refresh
the  base window.

The problem is that when the base window refreshes, user is shown the panel
he is first shown
i.e after logging in.  The expected behaviour should have been to show the
view contaning the new
panel from which pop up was launched.

In other words the user is not presented with same view in the browser when
the base window

I understand the problem is because the URL  was mounted ; because it works
properly if it
is not mounted.
[ The request target again becomes a bookmarkablepagerequesttarget which
actually just sends the user back to where the page was mounted to I
suppose. ]

Can anyone suggest the best way to show the  correct view to the user i.e
the code should
take care of both scenarios - mounted and not mounted.

I was thinking of replacing the first panel with the second if  this kind of
action happends. that is
I have to store somewhere that the user did a save from the popup .

I am not sure whether this is really a good way to do it.  Any better ideas

Problem 2:

This is to do with images . If the page is mounted, images are not shown
otherwise images
are shown.  It appears that images do  not get picked up if I mount a page.

Otherwise if i click on a link  in some other page [ which is not mounted]
and which takes
me to the page i am interested in , I am able to view the images ...
Any ideas here?

swaroop belur
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