
I am trying to update a ListView dynamically with AJAX.  I have a
WebMarkupContainer that holds the ListView.  I have another
WebMarkupContainer that holds an AjaxFallbackLink (add button) and a
WebMarkupContainer (list item form) that holds the fields for a list
item and a AjaxFallBackLink (submit button).  I have been looking at the
ToDo List example in the Wicket-Library and have roughly followed what's
going on there.  The add button toggles on the list item form and hides
itself.  Then, the submit button adds the list item to the list that is
displayed in the ListView and hides the form and redisplays the add

The problem I am having is that the first item that is added works fine,
and the item is added to the list.  However, any subsequent adds fail
with the following AJAX debug information:

INFO: Initiating Ajax GET request
INFO: Invoking pre-call handler(s)... 
INFO: Received ajax response (53 characters)
INFO: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><ajax-response>  
ERROR: Error while parsing response: Could not find root <ajax-response>
INFO: Invoking post-call handler(s)...  
INFO: Invoking failure handler(s)...

If it didn't work at all it would make more sense, but that it works to
add the first item and not subsequent items is strange.  If I comment
out the line of code in the onClick method of the "saveParameter"
AjaxFallbackLink where I call target.addComponent(parameterList) which
should update the ListView, the addParameterContainer behaves correctly.

Here is the associated markup:

<table wicket:id="parameterList">
    <!-- column headers -->
  <tr wicket:id="parameter">
    <td wicket:id="name">param name</td>
    <td wicket:id="description">description</td>
    <td wicket:id="parameterType">type</td>
    <td wicket:id="dataType">data type</td>
<div wicket:id="addParameterContainer">
  <input type="button" wicket:id="addParameter" value="Add New
  <div wicket:id="addParameterForm">
    <input type="button" wicket:id="saveParameter" value="Save
        <!-- column headers -->
        <td><input type="text" wicket:id="name"/></td>
        <td><input type="text" wicket:id="description"/></td>
        <td><select wicket:id="parameterType"></select></td>
        <td><input type="text" wicket:id="dataType"/></td>

Thanks ahead of time for any help.
Matthew R Hanlon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Alliance Communications Management

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