
For a wicket 1.2 app, I've located my html files in a different
location than the class files, as decribed here:

This works fine.  But I'm finding that css, images, and js files are
not being located unless I put them into the web root folder (where
the HTML files are).  I want js files in webroot/js, css in
webroot/css, and images in webroot/images.

I've been able to relocate some CSS files by adding more paths to the

CompoundResourceStreamLocator locator =
WebApplicationPath resourceFinder = (WebApplicationPath)
locator.add(0, new MyPageResourceStreamLocator(resourceFinder));

This allows me to have HomePage.html in web and HomePage.css in
web/css.  But if I reference images from the css files, I can't use a
path of "../images/logo.png".  Instead, I've had to put the css images
into the css folder.

I've noticed that what I did above also allows me to move my
properties files into the webroot as well.

What is the best solution to this? Am I going in the right direction?
It seems like if I was to add all these paths (web, web/css,
web/images, web/js, web/properties) to the resourceFinder, it  would
slow down the application with constant searching.

My goal is to allow a client with minimal web design skills to manage
the html, css, image, and properties files with minimal risk of
damaging the application.  I'd like the java class files to be located
in a separate location.  And I'd like the folder structure of the
webroot to be clean and make sense to the designer.

Please let me know if what I'm doing is the right thing.  If not, what
should I do?  When I have a good and solid solution to this, I'll add
the information to the wiki.


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