Hello Wicket,

We have to hide a couple of components from certain groups 
of users. We tried doing it with a reusable AbstractBehavior, 
but calling component.setVisible() in IBehavior.beforeRender()
caused the good old "cannot modify component hierarchy 
during render phase" exception. There is no onBeforeRender() 
in IBehavior.

Should it be possible for an IBehavior to control visibility
(Component.isVisible(), not just HTML or CSS attributes)?

The code (calling same code in all relevant isVisible() 
methods()) works, but it would be interesting to know if 
there would be a more elegant or reusable solution.

We develop on 1.3.0 trunk.

Visiting all relevant components (e.g. marked with an 
interface) from a parent might be possible too.


Timo Rantalaiho           
Reaktor Innovations Oy    <URL: http://www.ri.fi/ >

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