Gwyn Evans wrote:
> Hi,
>   Anyone got any suggestions as to the best way to provide a paging
> data view without requiring using size() to actually count the records
> in DB?
> I've got a site that has a production DB such that
>     "select COUNT(*) from mytable"
> takes a non-trivial amount of time/cpu to return, whereas to get
> the actual data for the page is effectively immediate!
> I'm curently using a DefaultDataTable and the quick hack is to just
> hard-code DataProvider.size() to just return a fixed number, but while
> that's probably OK, it's sub-optimal (it is just a util for my own
> use though, really).  Having said that, I'd be interested in
> alternative suggestions.
> It's the Production DB only that shows this behaviour (which is
> probably related to them not purging the the old data for 4 years or
> so, so I'm limited as to what might be possible with the DB itself).
I smell Postgres and just going to go out on a limb here.. :) triggers 
that update a counts table, db maintenance, or search the postgres 
"perform" archive for other ways to achieve this.. I'm pretty sure I see 
this question nearly every two weeks and from what I've read and 
remember it pretty much falls on the responsibility of the backend.  
There's also certainly more commentary in the wicket-users archives as well.

Good luck,


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