I need to allow users to rate things on a site, but as far as I can
tell, none of the star rating controls I've seen do everything I want.
 I'd like the following:

1.  Should have CSS or Javascript rollover support to highlight stars
as mouse rolls over them.
2.  Must be able to fallback to regular HTML form submission if
javascript is not availble.
3.  Needs to have multiple star rating controls in the same form on
the same page.
4.  Should be able to show the overall rating within the same control
(as colored and grey stars) and still allow mouse rollover
highlighting in another color.
5.  Should have a display-only mode where the rating feature doesn't
work, it just shows the current rating.

The Wicket rating control doesn't include the mouse rollover support:

This CSS only version is nice, but I don't think it does any sort of
fallback to regular HTML:

This JQuery-rating plugin is probably closest with really nice HTML
fallback, but it looks like each control needs to be in its own form
and I need multiple controls in a single form:

Before I go and start creating yet another star rating wicket control,
does anyone know of other solutions that would work?  Or any advice on
which path to take?  I'm tempted to start with the JQuery-rating
solution and build a wicket control from it, but maybe adding rollover
to the current wicket control would be better?


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