actually no.edDate: Sat, 7 Jul 2007 14:09:18 -0700From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: [Wicket-user] debugging markup cannot be emptyOn 7/7/07, 
Ed _ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

When you say replace local var with a field - what does that mean?you know what 
a field is right?-igor 
-aDate: Sat, 7 Jul 2007 13:52:20 -0700From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: [Wicket-user] debugging markup cannot be empty
look what you are doing here: final Panel3 p3 = new Panel3("Panel3", 
url1);p3.setOutputMarkupId(true);add(p3);add(new Panel2("Panel2", url2){
public void updatePanel3(AjaxRequestTarget target){
Panel3 newPanel3 = new Panel3("Panel3", 
url2);newPanel3.setOutputMarkupId(true);p3.replaceWith(newPanel3);on first 
click p3.replacewith(newpanel3) works because p3 points to a component in a 
page, but on subsequent clicks it doesnt because p3 is no longer in the page - 
you replaced it - and you do not update the reference to it
what you should doreplace final Panel3 p3 local var with a field, then after 
p3.replaceWith(newPanel3) add p3=newPanel3; so that p3 always points to the 
right component-igor

On 7/7/07, Ed _ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

no couldn't find any missing ids. So wrote a smaller sample program and I see 
the same issue - here is the source - maybe you can point out something 
blatanly obvious that I am

 ---public class TestWebPage extends WebPage {    public 
TestWebPage(PageParameters params){        super();        add(new 
Panel1("Panel1"));    }    }---TestWebPage.html ---

html xmlns="";><body>  <span wicket:id="Panel1"> 
</body></html>--- ----public class Panel1 extends Panel {    public 
Panel1(String id){        super(id);        final String url1 = "";;        final String url2 = "";;        
final Panel3 p3 = new Panel3("Panel3", url1);
         p3.setOutputMarkupId(true);        add(p3);        add(new 
Panel2("Panel2", url2){            public void updatePanel3(AjaxRequestTarget 
target){                Panel3 newPanel3 = new Panel3("Panel3", url2);
p3.replaceWith(newPanel3);                if(target != null){                   
 target.addComponent(p3);                }            }
        });    }}--- Panel1.html ---<html><wicket:panel>      This is a test 
for AjaxLink.    <div id="Panel2List">        <span wicket:id="Panel2"></span>  
    </div>    <span wicket:id="Panel3"></span>    </wicket:panel></html>----- ---abstract public class Panel2 extends Panel {    public 
Panel2(String id, String url){
        super(id);        add(new WebMarkupContainer("iframe").add(new 
SimpleAttributeModifier("src", url)));                add(new 
AjaxLink("AJAXLINK"){            public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target)  
                Panel2.this.updatePanel3(target);            }        });    }  
  protected abstract void updatePanel3(AjaxRequestTarget target);}--- 
panel2.html ---<html xmlns:wicket>
<wicket:panel><div>    <div> <iframe src="#" wicket:id="iframe" 
scrolling="no"></iframe> </div>    <div> <a href="#" 
wicket:id="AJAXLINK">Update</a> </div>
</div></wicket:panel></html> ---public class Panel3 extends Panel 
{    public Panel3(String id, String url)    {        super(id);        add(new 
WebMarkupContainer("iframe").add(new SimpleAttributeModifier("src",url)));
    }}----Panel3.html ----<html xmlns:wicket><wicket:panel><div align="right"> 
<iframe src="#" wicket:id="iframe" scrolling="no"></iframe>
</div></wicket:panel></html>Local listings, incredible imagery, and driving 
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