
After I had some chit-chat ;-) with Almaw today already on IRC I still am
looking for a solution fot the following problem:

Consider the following Form:

<input name="description" type="text" value="" /> (required=true)
n times <input name="images" type="text" value="xy"/>
<input type="submit" value="add image"/>
<input type="submit" value="save"/>

The 'add image'-button allows the user to add more input-fields of 'images' to
be added to the ListView. Everything works fine on this Form as long as the Form
validates and the Model gets updated on 'add image' - the ListView-input-fields
are saved before adding another entry.

But this doesn't work out in the above case, when description isn't yet filled
out (because it's a required field). Then the new images-input-field has to be
added within an 'onError'-Event. Since I change the ListViews's Model, I have to
call listview.removeAll() so the ListView is recreated from the Model (which
isn't updated because of validation errors). So any input the user entered to
the ListView-fields before pressing 'add image' are lost.

Inner Forms aren't an option either, because the images-input-field might also
not validate (I have quite an complex test case set up).

So, my question is: can I save the posted values to the model without actually
verify all fields? I tried to override validate() and only call super.validate()
when the 'save'-button is entered, but that didn't work out.

Any help is appreciated.

Best regards, --- Jan.

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