> I have a custom session class that inherits from WebSession.  I have
> overridden the newSession method in my Application class.  The session is
> getting used during the request, because I initialize some of its values in
> its constructor, and they show up when I attach a label to them in a page.
> A new session gets created with every request, however, which obviously is
> not the desired behavior.  For instance, I have an Integer, and I initialize
> it to 1 in the constructor, and increment it before each page display.  I
> always get back a 2 on the page.

It sounds like your page is stateless, and the session instances are
temporary. As long as a session is not 'bound', you'll get a separate
instance per request and Wicket won't hold on to heap memory. You can
force the creation of a session by calling Session#bind, which I think
you should be able to call from your constructor as well.

> Related to this, can someone provide me a download link to the 1.3 examples?
> The live examples page does not allow you to view the source for the
> stateless example, which seems like it may have some relevant code in it,
> and I cannot find a download link for the 1.3 examples.  The 1.2 examples do
> not have that particular example, from what I can tell.

Use http://wicketstuff.org/wicket13/ to look at the examples. The
wicket-examples site is stale.

As for downloading the examples for 1.3.0, at this time you can best
get them from SVN directly, or download them from our maven repo at


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