GunChleoc has proposed merging lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/string-fixes into 

Requested reviews:
  Widelands Developers (widelands-dev)

For more details, see:

Various string fixes for issues reported on Transifex.
Your team Widelands Developers is requested to review the proposed merge of 
lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/string-fixes into lp:widelands.
=== modified file 'campaigns/atl01.wmf/scripting/texts.lua'
--- campaigns/atl01.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2014-11-11 10:43:36 +0000
+++ campaigns/atl01.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2015-07-26 11:29:44 +0000
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
    title = _"Build industry and mines",
    number = 5,
    body = objective_text(_"Industry and Mines",
-		_[[Iron ore, gold ore and coal are mined in the respective mines. The crystal mine will dig for crystal, quartz and diamond – all of them are precious materials and very rarely found. It will produce a lot of stone while searching for them.]] .. paragraphdivider() ..
+		_[[Iron ore, gold ore and coal are mined in the respective mines. The crystal mine will dig for quartz and diamonds – all of them are precious materials and very rarely found. It will produce a lot of stone while searching for them.]] .. paragraphdivider() ..
       listitem_bullet(_[[The ores have to be smelted at a smelting works before they can be used. The refined materials are then used in the weapon smithy, the armor smithy and the toolsmithy.]]) .. paragraphdivider() ..
       listitem_bullet(_[[Build a mine of each type. Make sure to send geologists to the mountain first.]]) ..
       listitem_bullet(_[[Build a smelting works]]) ..

=== modified file 'campaigns/bar01.wmf/scripting/texts.lua'
--- campaigns/bar01.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2014-10-31 08:59:54 +0000
+++ campaigns/bar01.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2015-07-26 11:29:44 +0000
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
    title = _"Bake bread",
    number = 3,
    body = objective_text(_"Build a well, a farm and a bakery",
-      _([[Other ways to produce food – different kinds of food – are fishers and hunters. The wheat of the farms has to be processed with water in a bakery before it becomes edible. You can obtain water by building a well on a spot where your geologists have found a water source.]]))
+      _([[Other ways to produce food – different kinds of food – are fishers and farms. The wheat of the farms has to be processed with water in a bakery before it becomes edible. You can obtain water by building a well on a spot where your geologists have found a water source.]]))
 obj_refine_ores = {

=== modified file 'campaigns/tutorial01_basic_control.wmf/scripting/texts.lua'
--- campaigns/tutorial01_basic_control.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2015-06-01 20:08:40 +0000
+++ campaigns/tutorial01_basic_control.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2015-07-26 11:29:44 +0000
@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@
 quarry_illegally_destroyed = {
    title = _"You Destroyed the Construction Site!",
    body = rt(
-      p(_[[It seems you destroyed a construction site for a quarry we wanted to build. Since we need the stones, I suggest you reload the game from a previous savegame. Luckily, the are created from time to time. To do so, you have to go back to the main menu and choose ‘Single Player’ → ‘Load Game’. And please be a bit more careful next time.]])
+      p(_[[It seems like you destroyed a construction site for a quarry we wanted to build. Since we need the stones, I suggest you reload the game from a previous savegame. Luckily, these are created from time to time. To do so, you have to go back to the main menu and choose ‘Single Player’ → ‘Load Game’. And please be a bit more careful next time.]])
    w = 350,
    h = 250

=== modified file 'campaigns/tutorial02_warfare.wmf/scripting/texts.lua'
--- campaigns/tutorial02_warfare.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2015-01-24 11:43:42 +0000
+++ campaigns/tutorial02_warfare.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2015-07-26 11:29:44 +0000
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
       h1(_"The Battle Arena Has Been Constructed") ..
       p(_[[Very good. Our battle arena has been finished, and the soldiers are already walking towards it.]]) ..
       -- Not perfectly correct (some training steps need either bread or meat), but we do not want to confuse new players
-      p(_[[The needed wares are also delivered there. For successful training, you need pitta bread and strongbeer. Most steps additionally require either fish or meat.]] .. " " ..
+      p(_[[The needed wares are also delivered there. For successful training, you need pitta bread and strongbeer, as well as either fish or meat.]] .. " " ..
 		_[[For more information, you can have a look at the building’s help window, accessible via the question mark in every building’s window.]]) ..
       p(_[[To learn how far your soldiers have progressed in their training, you can have a look at their icons. They are modified by red dots:]])
    ) ..

=== modified file 'maps/MP Scenarios/Island Hopping.wmf/scripting/texts.lua'
--- maps/MP Scenarios/Island Hopping.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2014-02-25 23:23:41 +0000
+++ maps/MP Scenarios/Island Hopping.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2015-07-26 11:29:44 +0000
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 [[When you finish a castle at the end of the first island, you are granted a ]] ..
 [[second headquarters on a second island, which will contain all wares from your ]] ..
 [[first headquarters.]]
-)) .. 
+)) ..
 [[If you finish a castle in the target area on the second island, you will get ]] ..
 [[a third headquarters on the third island. You must build a castle at ]] ..
@@ -20,9 +20,7 @@
 [[Whenever you finish an island, you will get bonus wares, depending on how many players ]] ..
 [[have finished the island before you. The earlier you finish, the fewer wares you will get. ]] ..
 [[See below for the details.]])) .. p(_(
-[[The clue is that the first island only provides stones and wood, the second ]] ..
-[[only meadows and resources. The economies you leave behind will continue to ]] ..
-[[work for you, but you will only reap the benefits at the moment you reach a new island.]])
+[[The point is that the first island only provides stones and wood, the second only meadows and resources. The economies you leave behind will continue to work for you, but you will only reap the benefits at the moment you reach a new island.]])
 ) ..
 [[Finally, be careful not to waste your quartz and diamonds.]]

=== modified file 'tribes/atlanteans/fishers_house/conf'
--- tribes/atlanteans/fishers_house/conf	2014-08-02 19:55:23 +0000
+++ tribes/atlanteans/fishers_house/conf	2015-07-26 11:29:44 +0000
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 title=_Out of Fish
-message=_The fisher working out of this fisher’s house can’t find any fish in his working radius. Remember that you can increase the number of existing fish by building a fishbreeder’s house.
+message=_The fisher working out of this fisher’s house can’t find any fish in his work area. Remember that you can increase the number of existing fish by building a fish breeder’s house.
 pics=fishers_house_i_??.png  # ???

=== modified file 'tribes/atlanteans/fishers_house/help.lua'
--- tribes/atlanteans/fishers_house/help.lua	2014-07-25 12:19:33 +0000
+++ tribes/atlanteans/fishers_house/help.lua	2015-07-26 11:29:44 +0000
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 	--General Section
 	building_help_general_string("atlanteans", building_description,
 		_"Fishes on the coast near the house.",
-		_"The fisher’s house needs water full of fish within the working radius." .. " " .. _"Build a fisher breeder’s house close to the fisher’s house to make sure that you don’t run out of fish." ) ..
+		_"The fisher’s house needs water full of fish within the work area." .. " " .. _"Build a fisher breeder’s house close to the fisher’s house to make sure that you don’t run out of fish." ) ..
 	building_help_dependencies_production("atlanteans", building_description) ..

=== modified file 'tribes/atlanteans/foresters_house/help.lua'
--- tribes/atlanteans/foresters_house/help.lua	2014-07-25 12:19:33 +0000
+++ tribes/atlanteans/foresters_house/help.lua	2015-07-26 11:29:44 +0000
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 	--General Section
 	building_help_general_string("atlanteans", building_description,
 		_"Plants trees in the surrounding area.",
-		_"The foresters’s house needs free space within the working radius to plant the trees.") ..
+		_"The foresters’s house needs free space within the work area to plant the trees.") ..
 	building_help_dependencies_production("atlanteans", building_description) ..

=== modified file 'tribes/atlanteans/hunters_house/conf'
--- tribes/atlanteans/hunters_house/conf	2015-06-10 07:00:10 +0000
+++ tribes/atlanteans/hunters_house/conf	2015-07-26 11:29:44 +0000
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 # TRANSLATORS: "Game" means animals that you can hunt
 title=_Out of Game
-message=_The hunter working out of this hunter’s house can’t find any game in his working radius.
+message=_The hunter working out of this hunter’s house can’t find any game in his work area.

=== modified file 'tribes/atlanteans/hunters_house/help.lua'
--- tribes/atlanteans/hunters_house/help.lua	2014-07-25 12:19:33 +0000
+++ tribes/atlanteans/hunters_house/help.lua	2015-07-26 11:29:44 +0000
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 	--General Section
 	building_help_general_string("atlanteans", building_description,
 		_"Hunts animals to produce meat.",
-		_"The hunter’s house needs animals to hunt within the working radius.") ..
+		_"The hunter’s house needs animals to hunt within the work area.") ..
 	building_help_dependencies_production("atlanteans", building_description) ..

=== modified file 'tribes/atlanteans/quarry/conf'
--- tribes/atlanteans/quarry/conf	2015-03-30 18:49:45 +0000
+++ tribes/atlanteans/quarry/conf	2015-07-26 11:29:44 +0000
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 title=_Out of Rocks
-message=_The stonecutter working at this quarry can’t find any rocks in his working radius.
+message=_The stonecutter working at this quarry can’t find any rocks in his work area.
 pics=quarry_i_??.png  # ???

=== modified file 'tribes/atlanteans/quarry/help.lua'
--- tribes/atlanteans/quarry/help.lua	2014-07-25 12:19:33 +0000
+++ tribes/atlanteans/quarry/help.lua	2015-07-26 11:29:44 +0000
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 	--General Section
 	building_help_general_string("atlanteans", building_description,
-		_"Carves stones out of rocks in the vicinity.", _"The quarry needs stones to cut within the working radius.") ..
+		_"Carves stones out of rocks in the vicinity.", _"The quarry needs stones to cut within the work area.") ..
 	building_help_dependencies_production("atlanteans", building_description, true) ..

=== modified file 'tribes/atlanteans/well/conf'
--- tribes/atlanteans/well/conf	2015-05-14 12:01:35 +0000
+++ tribes/atlanteans/well/conf	2015-07-26 11:29:44 +0000
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 title=_Out of Water
-message=_The carrier working at this well can’t find any water in his working radius.
+message=_The carrier working at this well can’t find any water in his work area.

=== modified file 'tribes/atlanteans/woodcutters_house/conf'
--- tribes/atlanteans/woodcutters_house/conf	2015-06-10 07:00:10 +0000
+++ tribes/atlanteans/woodcutters_house/conf	2015-07-26 11:29:44 +0000
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 title=_Out of Trees
-message=_The woodcutter working at this woodcutter’s house can’t find any trees in his working radius. You should consider dismantling or destroying the building or building a forester’s house.
+message=_The woodcutter working at this woodcutter’s house can’t find any trees in his work area. You should consider dismantling or destroying the building or building a forester’s house.

=== modified file 'tribes/atlanteans/woodcutters_house/help.lua'
--- tribes/atlanteans/woodcutters_house/help.lua	2014-07-25 12:19:33 +0000
+++ tribes/atlanteans/woodcutters_house/help.lua	2015-07-26 11:29:44 +0000
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 	--General Section
 	building_help_general_string("atlanteans", building_description,
 		_"Fell trees in the surrounding area and process them into logs.",
-		_"The woodcutter's house needs trees to fell within the working radius.") ..
+		_"The woodcutter's house needs trees to fell within the work area.") ..
 	building_help_dependencies_production("atlanteans", building_description, true) ..

=== modified file 'tribes/barbarians/fishers_hut/conf'
--- tribes/barbarians/fishers_hut/conf	2015-02-08 16:21:44 +0000
+++ tribes/barbarians/fishers_hut/conf	2015-07-26 11:29:44 +0000
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 title=_Out of Fish
-message=_The fisher working out of this fisher’s hut can’t find any fish in his working radius.
+message=_The fisher working out of this fisher’s hut can’t find any fish in his work area.
 pics=build_??.png  # ???

=== modified file 'tribes/barbarians/fishers_hut/help.lua'
--- tribes/barbarians/fishers_hut/help.lua	2014-07-25 12:19:33 +0000
+++ tribes/barbarians/fishers_hut/help.lua	2015-07-26 11:29:44 +0000
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 	--General Section
 	building_help_general_string("barbarians", building_description,
 		_"Fishes on the coast near the hut.",
-		_"The fisher’s hut needs water full of fish within the working radius.") ..
+		_"The fisher’s hut needs water full of fish within the work area.") ..
 	building_help_dependencies_production("barbarians", building_description) ..

=== modified file 'tribes/barbarians/hunters_hut/conf'
--- tribes/barbarians/hunters_hut/conf	2015-05-14 12:01:35 +0000
+++ tribes/barbarians/hunters_hut/conf	2015-07-26 11:29:44 +0000
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 # TRANSLATORS: "Game" means animals that you can hunt
 title=_Out of Game
-message=_The hunter working out of this hunter’s hut can’t find any game in his working radius. Remember that you can build a gamekeeper’s hut to release more game into the wild.
+message=_The hunter working out of this hunter’s hut can’t find any game in his work area. Remember that you can build a gamekeeper’s hut to release more game into the wild.

=== modified file 'tribes/barbarians/hunters_hut/help.lua'
--- tribes/barbarians/hunters_hut/help.lua	2014-07-25 12:19:33 +0000
+++ tribes/barbarians/hunters_hut/help.lua	2015-07-26 11:29:44 +0000
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 	--General Section
 	building_help_general_string("barbarians", building_description,
 		_"Hunts animals to produce meat.",
-		_"The hunter’s hut needs animals to hunt within the working radius.") ..
+		_"The hunter’s hut needs animals to hunt within the work area.") ..
 	building_help_dependencies_production("barbarians", building_description) ..

=== modified file 'tribes/barbarians/lumberjacks_hut/conf'
--- tribes/barbarians/lumberjacks_hut/conf	2015-06-10 07:00:10 +0000
+++ tribes/barbarians/lumberjacks_hut/conf	2015-07-26 11:29:44 +0000
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 title=_Out of Trees
-message=_The lumberjack working at this lumberjack’s hut can’t find any trees in his working radius. You should consider dismantling or destroying the building or building a rangers’s hut.
+message=_The lumberjack working at this lumberjack’s hut can’t find any trees in his work area. You should consider dismantling or destroying the building or building a rangers’s hut.

=== modified file 'tribes/barbarians/lumberjacks_hut/help.lua'
--- tribes/barbarians/lumberjacks_hut/help.lua	2014-11-11 10:19:51 +0000
+++ tribes/barbarians/lumberjacks_hut/help.lua	2015-07-26 11:29:44 +0000
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 	--General Section
 	building_help_general_string("barbarians", building_description,
 		_"Fell trees in the surrounding area and process them into logs.",
-		_"The lumberjack’s hut needs trees to fell within the working radius.") ..
+		_"The lumberjack’s hut needs trees to fell within the work area.") ..
 	building_help_dependencies_production("barbarians", building_description, true) ..

=== modified file 'tribes/barbarians/quarry/conf'
--- tribes/barbarians/quarry/conf	2015-03-30 18:49:45 +0000
+++ tribes/barbarians/quarry/conf	2015-07-26 11:29:44 +0000
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 title=_Out of Rocks
-message=_The stonemason working at this quarry can’t find any rocks in his working radius.
+message=_The stonemason working at this quarry can’t find any rocks in his work area.
 pics=idle_??.png  # ???

=== modified file 'tribes/barbarians/quarry/help.lua'
--- tribes/barbarians/quarry/help.lua	2014-07-25 12:19:33 +0000
+++ tribes/barbarians/quarry/help.lua	2015-07-26 11:29:44 +0000
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 	--General Section
 	building_help_general_string("barbarians", building_description,
-		_"Carves raw stone out of rocks in the vicinity.", _"The quarry needs stones to cut within the working radius.") ..
+		_"Carves raw stone out of rocks in the vicinity.", _"The quarry needs stones to cut within the work area.") ..
 	building_help_dependencies_production("barbarians", building_description, true) ..

=== modified file 'tribes/barbarians/rangers_hut/help.lua'
--- tribes/barbarians/rangers_hut/help.lua	2014-07-25 12:19:33 +0000
+++ tribes/barbarians/rangers_hut/help.lua	2015-07-26 11:29:44 +0000
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 	--General Section
 	building_help_general_string("barbarians", building_description,
 		_"Plants trees in the surrounding area.",
-		_"The ranger’s hut needs free space within the working radius to plant the trees.") ..
+		_"The ranger’s hut needs free space within the work area to plant the trees.") ..
 	building_help_dependencies_production("barbarians", building_description) ..

=== modified file 'tribes/barbarians/well/conf'
--- tribes/barbarians/well/conf	2015-05-14 12:01:35 +0000
+++ tribes/barbarians/well/conf	2015-07-26 11:29:44 +0000
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 title=_Out of Water
-message=_The carrier working at this well can’t find any water in his working radius.
+message=_The carrier working at this well can’t find any water in his work area.

=== modified file 'tribes/empire/fishers_house/conf'
--- tribes/empire/fishers_house/conf	2014-08-02 19:55:23 +0000
+++ tribes/empire/fishers_house/conf	2015-07-26 11:29:44 +0000
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 title=_Out of Fish
-message=_The fisher working in this fisher’s house can’t find any fish in his working radius.
+message=_The fisher working in this fisher’s house can’t find any fish in his work area.
 pics=fishers_house_i_??.png  # ???

=== modified file 'tribes/empire/fishers_house/help.lua'
--- tribes/empire/fishers_house/help.lua	2014-07-25 12:19:33 +0000
+++ tribes/empire/fishers_house/help.lua	2015-07-26 11:29:44 +0000
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 	--General Section
 	building_help_general_string("empire", building_description,
 		_"Fishes on the coast near the house.",
-		_"The fisher’s house needs water full of fish within the working radius.") ..
+		_"The fisher’s house needs water full of fish within the work area.") ..
 	building_help_dependencies_production("empire", building_description) ..

=== modified file 'tribes/empire/foresters_house/help.lua'
--- tribes/empire/foresters_house/help.lua	2014-07-25 12:19:33 +0000
+++ tribes/empire/foresters_house/help.lua	2015-07-26 11:29:44 +0000
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 	--General Section
 	building_help_general_string("empire", building_description,
 		_"Plants trees in the surrounding area.",
-		_"The foresters’s house needs free space within the working radius to plant the trees.") ..
+		_"The foresters’s house needs free space within the work area to plant the trees.") ..
 	building_help_dependencies_production("empire", building_description) ..

=== modified file 'tribes/empire/hunters_house/conf'
--- tribes/empire/hunters_house/conf	2015-06-10 07:00:10 +0000
+++ tribes/empire/hunters_house/conf	2015-07-26 11:29:44 +0000
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 # TRANSLATORS: "Game" means animals that you can hunt
 title=_Out of Game
-message=_The hunter working out of this hunter’s house can’t find any game in his working radius.
+message=_The hunter working out of this hunter’s house can’t find any game in his work area.

=== modified file 'tribes/empire/hunters_house/help.lua'
--- tribes/empire/hunters_house/help.lua	2014-07-25 12:19:33 +0000
+++ tribes/empire/hunters_house/help.lua	2015-07-26 11:29:44 +0000
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 	--General Section
 	building_help_general_string("empire", building_description,
 		_"Hunts animals to produce meat.",
-		_"The hunter’s house needs animals to hunt within the working radius.") ..
+		_"The hunter’s house needs animals to hunt within the work area.") ..
 	building_help_dependencies_production("empire", building_description) ..

=== modified file 'tribes/empire/lumberjacks_house/conf'
--- tribes/empire/lumberjacks_house/conf	2015-06-10 07:00:10 +0000
+++ tribes/empire/lumberjacks_house/conf	2015-07-26 11:29:44 +0000
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 title=_Out of Trees
-message=_The lumberjack working at this lumberjack’s house can’t find any trees in his working radius. You should consider dismantling or destroying the building or building a forester’s house.
+message=_The lumberjack working at this lumberjack’s house can’t find any trees in his work area. You should consider dismantling or destroying the building or building a forester’s house.

=== modified file 'tribes/empire/lumberjacks_house/help.lua'
--- tribes/empire/lumberjacks_house/help.lua	2014-07-25 12:19:33 +0000
+++ tribes/empire/lumberjacks_house/help.lua	2015-07-26 11:29:44 +0000
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 	--General Section
 	building_help_general_string("empire", building_description,
 		_"Fell trees in the surrounding area and process them into logs.",
-		_"The lumberjack's house needs trees to fell within the working radius.") ..
+		_"The lumberjack's house needs trees to fell within the work area.") ..
 	building_help_dependencies_production("empire", building_description, true) ..

=== modified file 'tribes/empire/quarry/conf'
--- tribes/empire/quarry/conf	2014-08-02 19:55:23 +0000
+++ tribes/empire/quarry/conf	2015-07-26 11:29:44 +0000
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
 title=_Out of Rocks
-message=_The stonemason working at this quarry can’t find any rocks in his working radius.
+message=_The stonemason working at this quarry can’t find any rocks in his work area.
 pics=quarry_i_??.png  # ???

=== modified file 'tribes/empire/quarry/help.lua'
--- tribes/empire/quarry/help.lua	2014-07-25 12:19:33 +0000
+++ tribes/empire/quarry/help.lua	2015-07-26 11:29:44 +0000
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 	--General Section
 	building_help_general_string("empire", building_description,
-		_"Carves marble and stone out of rocks in the vicinity.", _"The quarry needs stones to cut within the working radius.") ..
+		_"Carves marble and stone out of rocks in the vicinity.", _"The quarry needs stones to cut within the work area.") ..
 	building_help_dependencies_production("empire", building_description, true) ..

=== modified file 'tribes/empire/well/conf'
--- tribes/empire/well/conf	2015-05-14 12:01:35 +0000
+++ tribes/empire/well/conf	2015-07-26 11:29:44 +0000
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 title=_Out of Water
-message=_The carrier working at this well can’t find any water in his working radius.
+message=_The carrier working at this well can’t find any water in his work area.

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