kaputtnik has proposed merging 
lp:~widelands-dev/widelands-website/update_beautifulsoup4 into 

Commit message:
Update BeautifulSoup and make needed changes

Requested reviews:
  Widelands Developers (widelands-dev)

For more details, see:

Update BeautifulSoup3 to BeautifulSoup4. This is a prerequisite for the python 

In contrary to bs3, bs4 escapes all (python) strings, so it is not possible 
anymore to apply just a (unicode)string like "<a 
href://example.com>LINKTEXT</a>". This results to "&lt;a 
href://example.com&gt;LINKTEXT&lt;/a&gt;" for a BS4 object.

This branch takes care of this and modifies the used code to use BeautifulSoup4 
objects. The new code may can be smarter, but i find it understandable.

I have also refactored some variables and comments.

The rendering times are close to equal in comparison with BeautifulSoup3. E.g.

For the Developers page: /developers/
bs3: ~0.62s
bs4: ~0.45s

For /wiki/WikiSyntax/
bs3: ~0.14s
bs4: ~0.14s

The Regular expression for finding pasted plain text-links is tested here: 

I have also removed the SMILEY_PREESCAPING things, because it works as is right 
now. The only problem is: The 'develish' smiley won't work if it is placed as 
the first characters. I am in favor to replace '>:-)' with ']:-)' to fix this. 
Any remarks for this?
Your team Widelands Developers is requested to review the proposed merge of 
lp:~widelands-dev/widelands-website/update_beautifulsoup4 into 
=== modified file 'mainpage/templatetags/wl_markdown.py'
--- mainpage/templatetags/wl_markdown.py	2017-11-14 16:54:28 +0000
+++ mainpage/templatetags/wl_markdown.py	2018-11-09 18:07:36 +0000
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 import urllib
 import bleach
-from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup, NavigableString
+from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, NavigableString
 # If we can import a Wiki module with Articles, we
 # will check for internal wikipages links in all internal
@@ -38,8 +38,7 @@
 # We will also need the site domain
 from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
-from settings import SITE_ID, SMILEYS, SMILEY_DIR, \
+from settings import SITE_ID, SMILEYS, SMILEY_DIR
     _domain = Site.objects.get(pk=SITE_ID).domain
@@ -60,42 +59,55 @@
 def _insert_smileys(text):
     """This searches for smiley symbols in the current text and replaces them
     with the correct images.
-    Only replacing if smiley symbols aren't in a word (e.g. http://....)
-    """
-    words = text.split(' ')
-    for sc, img in SMILEYS:
-        if sc in words:
-            words[words.index(
-                sc)] = "<img src='%s%s' alt='%s' />" % (SMILEY_DIR, img, img)
-    text = ' '.join(words)
-    return text
-def _insert_smiley_preescaping(text):
-    """This searches for smiley symbols in the current text and replaces them
-    with the correct images."""
-    for before, after in SMILEY_PREESCAPING:
-        text = text.replace(before, after)
-    return text
+    Then we have to reassemble the whole contents..."""
+    tmp_content = []
+    for content in text.parent.contents:
+        try:
+            # If this fails, content is probably '\n' or not a string, e.g.  <br />
+            words = content.split(' ')
+        except:
+            # apply the unsplittable content and continue
+            tmp_content.append(content)
+            continue
+        for i, word in enumerate(words):
+            smiley = ""
+            for sc, img in SMILEYS:
+                if word == sc:
+                    smiley = img
+            if smiley:
+                img_tag = BeautifulSoup(features="lxml").new_tag('img')
+                img_tag['src'] = "{}{}".format(SMILEY_DIR, smiley)
+                img_tag['alt'] = smiley
+                tmp_content.append(img_tag)
+                # Apply a space after the smiley
+                tmp_content.append(NavigableString(' '))
+            else:
+                if i < (len(words) - 1):
+                    # Apply a space after each word, except the last word
+                    word = word + ' '
+                tmp_content.append(NavigableString(word))
+    text.parent.contents = [x for x in tmp_content]
 def _classify_link(tag):
-    """Returns a classname to insert if this link is in any way special
+    """Applies a classname if this link is in any way special
     (external or missing wikipages)
-    tag to classify for
+    tag: classify for this tag
     # No class change for image links
-    if tag.findChild('img') != None:
-        return None
+    if tag.next_element.name == 'img':
+        return
         href = tag['href'].lower()
     except KeyError:
-        return None
+        return
     # Check for external link
     if href.startswith('http'):
@@ -105,67 +117,93 @@
                 external = False
         if external:
-            return {'class': 'externalLink', 'title': 'This link refers to outer space'}
+            tag['class'] = "externalLink"
+            tag['title'] = "This link refers to outer space"
+            return
     if '/profile/' in (tag['href']):
-        return {'class': 'userLink', 'title': 'This link refers to a userpage'}
+        tag['class'] = "userLink"
+        tag['title'] = "This link refers to a userpage"
+        return
     if check_for_missing_wikipages and href.startswith('/wiki/'):
         # Check for missing wikilink /wiki/PageName[/additionl/stuff]
         # Using href because we need cAsEs here
-        pn = urllib.unquote(tag['href'][6:].split('/', 1)[0])
+        article_name = urllib.unquote(tag['href'][6:].split('/', 1)[0])
-        if not len(pn):  # Wiki root link is not a page
-            return {'class': 'wrongLink', 'title': 'This Link misses an articlename'}
+        if not len(article_name):  # Wiki root link is not a page
+            tag['class'] = "wrongLink"
+            tag['title'] = "This Link misses an articlename"
+            return
         # Wiki special pages are also not counted
-        if pn in ['list', 'search', 'history', 'feeds', 'observe', 'edit']:
-            return {'class': 'specialLink'}
+        if article_name in ['list', 'search', 'history', 'feeds', 'observe', 'edit']:
+            tag['class'] = "specialLink"
+            return
         # Check for a redirect
             # try to get the article id; if this fails an IndexError is raised
             a_id = ChangeSet.objects.filter(
-                old_title=pn).values_list('article_id')[0]
+                old_title=article_name).values_list('article_id')[0]
             # get actual title of article
             act_t = Article.objects.get(id=a_id[0]).title
-            if pn != act_t:
-                return {'title': "This is a redirect and points to \"" + act_t + "\""}
+            if article_name != act_t:
+                tag['title'] = "This is a redirect and points to \"" + act_t + "\""
+                return
-                return None
+                return
         except IndexError:
         # article missing (or misspelled)
-        if Article.objects.filter(title=pn).count() == 0:
-            return {'class': 'missingLink', 'title': 'This Link is misspelled or missing. Click to create it anyway.'}
-    return None
-def _clickable_image(tag):
+        if Article.objects.filter(title=article_name).count() == 0:
+            tag['class'] = "missingLink"
+            tag['title'] = "This Link is misspelled or missing. Click to create it anyway."
+            return
+    return
+def _make_clickable_images(tag):
     # is external link?
     if tag['src'].startswith('http'):
-        # is allways a link?
+        # Do not change if it is allready a link
         if tag.parent.name != 'a':
             # add link to image
-            text = '<a href=' + tag['src'] + \
-                '><img src=' + tag['src'] + '></a>'
-            return text
-    return None
+            new_link = BeautifulSoup(features="lxml").new_tag('a')
+            new_link['href'] = tag['src']
+            new_img = BeautifulSoup(features="lxml").new_tag('img')
+            new_img['src'] = tag['src']
+            new_img['alt'] = tag['alt']
+            new_link.append(new_img)
+            tag.replace_with(new_link)
+    return
+def find_smiley_Strings(bs4_string):
+    """Find strings that contain a smiley symbol"""
+    if bs4_string.parent.name.lower() == 'code':
+        return False
+    #for element in bs4_string.parent.contents:
+    for sc in SMILEYS:
+        if sc[0] in bs4_string:
+            return True
+    return False
 # Predefine the markdown extensions here to have a clean code in
 # do_wl_markdown()
 md_extensions = ['extra', 'toc', SemanticWikiLinkExtension()]
 def do_wl_markdown(value, *args, **keyw):
-    # Do Preescaping for markdown, so that some things stay intact
-    # This is currently only needed for this smiley ">:-)"
-    value = _insert_smiley_preescaping(value)
-    custom = keyw.pop('custom', True)
+    """Apply wl specific things, like smileys or colored links.
+    If something get modified, it is mostky done directly in the subfunctions"""
+    beautify = keyw.pop('beautify', True)
     html = smart_str(markdown(value, extensions=md_extensions))
     # Sanitize posts from potencial untrusted users (Forum/Wiki/Maps)
@@ -173,49 +211,29 @@
         html = mark_safe(bleach.clean(
             html, tags=BLEACH_ALLOWED_TAGS, attributes=BLEACH_ALLOWED_ATTRIBUTES))
-    # Since we only want to do replacements outside of tags (in general) and not between
-    # <a> and </a> we partition our site accordingly
-    # BeautifoulSoup does all the heavy lifting
-    soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
+    # Prepare the html and apply smileys and classes.
+    # BeautifulSoup objects are all references, so changing a variable
+    # derived from the soup will take effect on the soup itself.
+    # Because of that the called functions will modify the soup directly.
+    soup = BeautifulSoup(html, features="lxml")
     if len(soup.contents) == 0:
         # well, empty soup. Return it
         return unicode(soup)
-    for text in soup.findAll(text=True):
-        # Do not replace inside a link
-        if text.parent.name == 'a':
-            continue
-        # We do our own small preprocessing of the stuff we got, after markdown
-        # went over it General consensus is to avoid replacing anything in
-        # links [blah](blkf)
-        if custom:
-            rv = text
-            # Replace smileys; only outside "code-tags"
-            if not text.parent.name == 'code':
-                rv = _insert_smileys(rv)
-            text.replaceWith(rv)
-    # This call slows the whole function down...
-    # unicode->reparsing.
-    # The function goes from .5 ms to 1.5ms on my system
-    # Well, for our site with it's little traffic it's maybe not so important...
-    # What a waste of cycles :(
-    soup = BeautifulSoup(unicode(soup))
-    # We have to go over this to classify links
-    for tag in soup.findAll('a'):
-        rv = _classify_link(tag)
-        if rv:
-            for attribute in rv.iterkeys():
-                tag[attribute] = rv.get(attribute)
-    # All external images gets clickable
-    # This applies only in forum
-    for tag in soup.findAll('img'):
-        link = _clickable_image(tag)
-        if link:
-            tag.replaceWith(link)
+    if beautify:
+        # Insert smileys
+        smiley_text = soup.find_all(string=find_smiley_Strings)
+        for text in smiley_text:
+            _insert_smileys(text)
+        # Classify links
+        for tag in soup.find_all('a'):
+            _classify_link(tag)
+        # All external images gets clickable
+        # This applies only in forum
+        for tag in soup.find_all('img'):
+            _make_clickable_images(tag)
     return unicode(soup)

=== modified file 'mainpage/views.py'
--- mainpage/views.py	2018-04-03 05:18:03 +0000
+++ mainpage/views.py	2018-11-09 18:07:36 +0000
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
     except IOError:
         txt = txt + "Couldn't find developer file!"
-    txt = do_wl_markdown(txt, custom=False)
+    txt = do_wl_markdown(txt, beautify=False)
     return render(request, 'mainpage/developers.html',
                   {'developers': txt}

=== modified file 'pip_requirements.txt'
--- pip_requirements.txt	2018-10-03 11:03:43 +0000
+++ pip_requirements.txt	2018-11-09 18:07:36 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # Python requirements for widelands-website at 22.06.2017
 # django-messages is very old on pypi
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@

=== modified file 'pybb/util.py'
--- pybb/util.py	2018-10-01 16:41:29 +0000
+++ pybb/util.py	2018-11-09 18:07:36 +0000
@@ -2,8 +2,9 @@
 import random
 import traceback
 import json
+import re
-from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
+from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, NavigableString
 from datetime import datetime
 from django.shortcuts import render
 from django.http import HttpResponse
@@ -11,7 +12,6 @@
 from django.utils.translation import check_for_language
 from django.utils.encoding import force_unicode
 from django import forms
-from django.template.defaultfilters import urlize as django_urlize
 from django.core.paginator import Paginator, EmptyPage, InvalidPage
 from django.conf import settings
 from pybb import settings as pybb_settings
@@ -145,6 +145,16 @@
     return form
+PLAIN_LINK_RE = re.compile(r'(http[s]?:\/\/[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\+~#=/?]+)')
+def exclude_code_tag(bs4_string):
+    if bs4_string.parent.name == 'code':
+        return False
+    m = PLAIN_LINK_RE.search(bs4_string)
+    if m:
+        return True
+    return False
 def urlize(data):
     """Urlize plain text links in the HTML contents.
@@ -152,18 +162,29 @@
-    soup = BeautifulSoup(data)
-    for chunk in soup.findAll(text=True):
-        islink = False
-        ptr = chunk.parent
-        while ptr.parent:
-            if ptr.name == 'a' or ptr.name == 'code':
-                islink = True
-                break
-            ptr = ptr.parent
-        if not islink:
-            # Using unescape to prevent conversation of f.e. &gt; to &amp;gt;
-            chunk = chunk.replaceWith(django_urlize(unicode(unescape(chunk))))
+    soup = BeautifulSoup(data, 'lxml')
+    for found_string in soup.find_all(string=exclude_code_tag):
+        new_content = []
+        strings_or_tags = found_string.parent.contents
+        for string_or_tag in strings_or_tags:
+            try:
+                for string in PLAIN_LINK_RE.split(string_or_tag):
+                    if string.startswith('http'):
+                        # Apply an a-Tag
+                        tag = soup.new_tag('a')
+                        tag['href'] = string
+                        tag.string = string
+                        tag['nofollow'] = 'true'
+                        new_content.append(tag)
+                    else:
+                        # This is just a string, apply a bs4-string
+                        new_content.append(NavigableString(string))
+            except:
+                # Regex failed, so apply what ever it is
+                new_content.append(string_or_tag)
+        # Apply the new content
+        found_string.parent.contents = new_content
     return unicode(soup)

=== modified file 'settings.py'
--- settings.py	2018-10-05 19:10:18 +0000
+++ settings.py	2018-11-09 18:07:36 +0000
@@ -213,8 +213,7 @@
     (':))', 'face-smile-big.png'),
     (':-)', 'face-smile.png'),
     (':)', 'face-smile.png'),
-    # Hack around markdown replacement. see also SMILEY_PREESCAPING
-    ('&gt;:-)', 'face-devilish.png'),
+    ('>:-)', 'face-devilish.png'),
     ('8-)', 'face-glasses.png'),
     ('8)', 'face-glasses.png'),
     (':-D', 'face-grin.png'),
@@ -243,10 +242,6 @@
     (';-)', 'face-wink.png'),
     (';)', 'face-wink.png'),
-# This needs to be done to keep some stuff hidden from markdown
-    ('>:-)', '\>:-)')
 # Search Config #

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