Dear Lawrence

We have been able to get the WIEN working only with the mpich1 till now 
and we too get the same error as you have reported. The error is mainly 
due to the error in the devices that get made during the compilation of 
mpich2. However, WIEN works properly with lammpi package.

We have the mpich1/2 and lam on our 64 node cluster machine with Redhat 4E 
and Intel ifort 9/mkl8 compilers. Till now we have found the mpich1 or lam 
mpi to be compatible with most of the dft packages.

Hope this helps you. 

Sharat Chandra

On Fri, 18 Apr 2008, Laurence Marks wrote:

> Has anyone got this working? I'm getting an error in CALL
> SL_INIT(ICTXTALL, 1, NPE) in lapw1 of
> Fatal error in MPI_Comm_size: Invalid communicator, error stack:
> MPI_Comm_size(110): MPI_Comm_size(comm=0x5b, size=0xa4ee68) failed
> MPI_Comm_size(69).: Invalid communicator
> (it might be some bad hardware/drivers)

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