Dear Wien2k users,

We are running Wien2k 08.2 version on IBM AIX v 5.3 system (Uni Leoben). We
are interested in effects of an external
electric field on splitting in the graphene. We have recovered 24 micro eV
splitting due to intrinsic spin-orbit interaction
in the K-point. Setting up a ramp potential of rather huge amplitudes (1000
Ry/20A) has no effect on the splitting at all.
I have not found relevant discussion in mailing list. Therefore, I would
like to share my problem with you.

The graphene sheet has been placed (i) in the quarter of the unit cell width
(z=0.25) and complex calculations have
run and; (ii) the sheet has been positioned in the origin (z=0) and real
calculations have run with modified ramp
potential in eramps.f within lapw0. The results we have obtained are almost
the same - no change in the splitting.

My question is:
Is the present implementation of the external electric field suitable for
monoatomic slab structures including
spin-orbit coupling interaction?

Many thanks,
Martin Gmitra
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