Dear all users ;

I want ot use a non-reduced kmesh in my case. for example when the mesh is 
2*2*2 I want to have 8 kpoints.
I create case.struct with just one symmetry operation  (the identity) and run 
kgen -c (with no inversion) 
but dstart has error:

 'DSTART' - can't open unit: 15
 'DSTART' -        filename: test.in2c
 'DSTART' -          status: old          form: formatted
 What should I do?

Thanks for your guidelines.
|Fatemeh Mirjani                              | Email: f_mirjani at  |
|Computational Condensed Matter Research Lab. | Tel/Fax Office: +98311-3913746 |
|ICTP Affiliated Center in Isfahan,           | Tel Lab.: +98311-3913731       |
+----------Physics Department, Isfahan University of Technology, Iran----------+

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