I've posted the similar question some time ago, please search the list
archives. As far as I remeber, the forces were too large, so I got rid
of this warning by minimizing atomic positions for TiO2 (mini script).


2008/10/19 mt <metokal at gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> I have compiled latest Wien2k without any error. I'm trying to run some
> examples (TiO , TiO2)
> but unfortunately I'm always getting "argv1: Subscript out of range."
> error (warning ?).
> Can anyone help me ?
> Thanks.
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Yurko (aka Yuriy, Iurii, Jurij etc) Natanzon
PhD Student
Henryk Niewodniczan`ski Institute of Nuclear Physics
Polish Academy of Sciences
ul. Radzikowskiego 152,
31-342 Krako`w, Poland
Email: Yurii.Natanzon at ifj.edu.pl, yurko.natanzon at gmail.com

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