Dear wien2K users,

I am a new user of wien2k. I am following the TiC example of the manual 
step after step. Unfortunately, I encounter some unexpected problems and 
I would be happy if someone can help me.
First, I have to specify that the installation of the package seems 
The program stops during SCF cycles, during "LAPW1" procedure.

*1/  I cannot use the web brother interface for creating "TiC.inst"*
I created the "master input" file TiC.struct without difficulties with 
the graphical interface, following the manual.
When I used the "save and clean up" option (chapter 3.6), TiC.inst was 
not created. No error message was delivered.
So, I used the command line "inst_lapw --nm" in a terminal window to 
create this file in the TiC folder.
I'd like to utilise the graphical interface from the beginning to the 
end if possible, do you have a hint how to fix this problem?

2/ *"Invalid null command." as a result of the commands in the 
"Execution _ initialize calc" menu*
I could execute the commands in the "Execution _ initialize calc" menu, 
one by one (it was the same result when I used the command lines in a 
terminal window). But the log page contained each time the following 
first line: "Invalid null command." Is it normal? Anyway, for each 
command a file was created.
E.g. for "nm" command, I obtained the following comments:
    Invalid null command.
      please specify nn-bondlength factor: (usually=2)
     DSTMAX: 20.
     NAMED ATOM: Ti1       Z changed to IATNR+999 to determine equivalency
     NAMED ATOM: C 2       Z changed to IATNR+999 to determine equivalency

        ATOM  1  Ti1        ATOM  2  C 2      
     RMT(  1)=2.09000 AND RMT(  2)=1.85000
     SUMS TO 3.94000  LT.  NN-DIST= 4.08937

        ATOM  2  C 2        ATOM  1  Ti1      
     RMT(  2)=1.85000 AND RMT(  1)=2.09000
     SUMS TO 3.94000  LT.  NN-DIST= 4.08937
    0.0u 0.0s 0:00.00 0.0% 0+0k 0+32io 0pf+0w

3/ *I encountered an error during the first SCF cycle*
Then, I started the SCF cycles and I automatically obtained a  "DSTART 
Error during TiC initialization"

The "STDOUT" page contained the following message:
    hup: Command not found.
    Invalid null command.
    Invalid null command.
    STOP LAPW1 - Error
And the ~/TiC/lapw1.error file contained:
    'INILPW' - can't open unit: 10
     'INILPW' -        filename: /TiC.vector
     'INILPW' -          status: unknown      form: unformatted
     'LAPW1' - INILPW aborted unsuccessfully.

Since I follow very carefully the example of the manual and it is my 
first attempts with win2K, I have no idea where is the problem.
I would be very glad if anyone of you could help me,

St?phane Pons


Dr St?phane Pons

Institut de Physique de la Mati?re Condens?e (IPMC)
Ecole Polytechnique F?d?rale de Lausanne (EPFL)
Station 3 -- Bo?te B
CH - 1015 Lausanne

phone: +41 21 693   33 99 (office) ; 33 20 (secretary) ; 4485 (ARPES Lab)
fax:      +41 21 693 36 04 
e-mail:  stephane.pons at


D?partement de Physique de la Mati?re et des Mat?riaux (DP2M) 
Institut Jean Lamour (IJL)
UMR 7198 - Nancy-Universit? - CNRS
Bo?te Postale 239 F-54506 Vandoeuvre-l?s-Nancy France 

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