Step by step. You almost certainly need to establish ssh without need
for a password first. Do "man ssh" and scroll to the section on
AUTHENTICATION where it tells you what needs to be done. (It is wisest
to do this on your computer so you see the appropriate information,
although this rarely changes.)

2009/10/21 John Rundgren <jru at>:
> Dear all,
> Thanks for hints. Today's situation:
> user is jru, localhost is "penelope" in lower case letters.
> passwd has only letters and numbers (w2web doesn't like point, slash, ...).
> reboot is done, directory .w2web is emptied.
> w2web installs itself (the same passwd is used for jru and penelope to avoid 
> ambiguity).
> w2web runSCF doesn't work, the above passwd is not accepted, see Attachment 1.
> run_lapw -p -I -i 30 -cc 0.0001 doesn't work, passwd not accepted, see 
> Attachment 2.
> ssh -fNL 2000:w2web_host:7890 user at penelope doesn't work, passwd not 
> accepted.
> What does the following diagnosis mean (Attachments)?
> fixerror_lapw lapw1_1
> Grateful for help sorting out the situation. WIEN2k worked without passwd 
> earlier.
> Best regards,
> John
> John Rundgren
> Department of Theoretical Physics, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH),
> AlbaNova University Center, SE-10691 Stockholm, Sweden
> fax +46 8 5537 8216, voice +46 8 5537 8171,
> home page
> _______________________________________________
> Wien mailing list
> Wien at

Laurence Marks
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
MSE Rm 2036 Cook Hall
2220 N Campus Drive
Northwestern University
Evanston, IL 60208, USA
Tel: (847) 491-3996 Fax: (847) 491-7820
email: L-marks at northwestern dot edu
Chair, Commission on Electron Crystallography of IUCR
Electron crystallography is the branch of science that uses electron
scattering and imaging to study the structure of matter.

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