Are you using the latest version of WIEN2k ??

Otherwise, we need your struct and inso file to help you.

?? schrieb:
> Dear Prof. Blaha and Wien Users,
>    I am doing a spin-polarised calculation including spin-orbit. The GGA 
> calculation I run first goes through without any problems, the results were 
> saved then, when I try to execute ?initso_lapw? and was asked ?Do you have a 
> spinpolarized case (and want to run symmetso) ? ? I say ?y? ,it goes all 
> right, then I was asked ?Do you want to use the new structure for SO 
> calculations ?? I say ?y?, the problem occurred, The error message is :
> Image              PC                Routine            Line        Source    
> kgen               000000000045082F  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
> kgen               000000000044E592  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
> kgen               000000000044E518  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
> kgen               0000000000430233  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
> kgen               000000000042FE9C  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
> kgen               000000000041A16F  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
> kgen               000000000040454D  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
> kgen               0000000000403C1A  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
>            0000003B2561C40B  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
> kgen                0000000000403B45  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
> It is very strange that the file case.struct left only two inequivalent atoms 
> after ?initso_lapw? while it is four primitively, and the case.struct_so has 
> only two inequivalent atoms, too. Does anyone meet this kind of problem? 
> Thanks in advance for any help!
> ????????
> ????????WangJing
> ????????wangjingjing at
> ??????????2009-12-08
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Peter BLAHA, Inst.f. Materials Chemistry, TU Vienna, A-1060 Vienna
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Email: blaha at    WWW:

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