Dear All, 

I think I have problem with the compiler options/libraries for the parallel 
wien2k. I can run lapw0/1_mpi with k-point parallel mode but not with mpi. Here 
are the options and libraries with which I built the wien2k: 

RP_LIB(SCALAPACK+PBLAS): -lmkl_scalapack_lp64 -lmkl_solver_lp64_sequential 
-Wl,--start-group -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core -lmkl_blacs_lp64 
-Wl,--end-group -lpthread -L/home/zzhang/fftw/fftw-2.1.5/lib -lfftw_mpi -lfftw

FPOPT(par.comp.options): FPOPT(par.comp.options): -FR -mp1 -w -prec_div -pc80 
-pad -ip -DINTEL_VML -traceback

I used fftw-2.1.5 for the parallel fftw. 

Does anybody see a problem with the options I used? 

Does anybody have a set of compiler options and libraries for working 
lapw0_mpi? I used mpich2 to compile the code and the architecture is Intel 

Thanks in advance!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Zhiyong Zhang" <>
To: "A Mailing list for WIEN2k users" <wien at>
Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2010 5:16:23 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
Subject: Re: [Wien] parallel wien2k

Dear Laurence and All, 

Thank you very much for the information. It has been very helpful in clarifying 
some of the issues. Based on your input, I was able to prepare the .machines in 
the correct format, I believe: 

lapw0: nx59:2 nx58:2




However, I still got the same problem in TiC.vns, which presumably resulted in 
the crash in lapw1para. 

Are there any places in the output files that I can look for clues of problem? 
For the same calculation, I can run the lapw0 in serial mode and lapw1 in 
k-point parallel mode successfully. 

Thanks in advance, 
----- Original Message -----
From: "Laurence Marks" <>
To: "A Mailing list for WIEN2k users" <wien at>
Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 4:55:19 AM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
Subject: Re: [Wien] parallel wien2k

Several points:

1) You only use "-fc X" for a structure with variable atomic
positions, and the TiC example has none so it will report that there
are no forces (but this should not stop the calculation).

2) The "NaN" in your case.vns file means that something went wrong in
the lapw0 call, which is why lapw1 is crashing. It is safer to delete
the case.vns file.

3) Are you using single core CPU's or multicore? The normal format for
a parallel lapw0 call (using mpi) is

lapw0: nx1:2 nx62:2 -- please note the space after the ":", it often matters

To do this you have to have mpi installed and have compiled lapw0_mpi.
If you do not have it you can use

lapw0: nx1

This will run a serial lapw0 on nx1

4) All the above assumes that you have local control of what nodes you
can use rather than this being controlled by a queuing system such as
pbs. If you are using pbs or similar then you have to have a script to
generate the .machines file since you do not know what machines to use
(unless you are running interactively).

5) The script you have will run serial (i.e. not mpi) lapw1, 2
k-vectors on nx1 and 2 on nx62. If you want to have these run using
the parallel versions (i.e. lapw1_mpi) you would need to use


(Note no space after the ":").

Whether it is faster to run with 2 processors on nx1, as against 2
different k-points will depend upon your cpu's. For a simple
calculation such as TiC it will be hard to see much difference, but
this can matter for larger ones. Be aware that if (for instance) you
had 4 processors on nx1 it may be a bad idea to use


because some variants of mpi will launch both lapw1_mpi jobs on the
same cores (CPU_AFFINITY is often the relevant flag, but this varies
with mpi flavor).

2010/2/22 zyzhang <zyzhang at>:
> Dear All,
> I am trying to test wien2k in parallel mode and I got into some problem. I
> am using
> run_lapw -p -i 40 -fc 0.001 ?I
> If I use a number of 0.001 for the option fc above, I got the following
> error:
> Force-convergence not possible. Forces not present.
> If I do not use a number for the ?fc option, but use ?run_lapw -p -i 40 -fc
> ?I? instead
> Then lapw0 finishes without a problem but the program doesn?t branch to
> lapw1. An error message is generated when doing the test
> ?if ($fcut == "0") goto lapw1
> I was able to do ?run_lapw -p -i 40 ?I?, without the ?-fc? option at all and
> was able to finish ?lapw0 ?p? and then start ?lapw1 ?p? but got into the
> following error:
> error: command?? /home/zzhang/wien2k/lapw1para lapw1.def?? failed
> Does anybody have similar problems and know how to fix this?
> It does the following:
> running LAPW1 in parallel mode (using .machines)
> and the .machines file is as follows:
> #
> lapw0:nx1? nx1? nx62? nx62
> lapw1:nx1? nx1? nx62? nx62
> lapw2:nx1? nx1? nx62? nx62
> 1:nx1
> 1:nx1
> 1:nx62
> 1:nx62
> granularity:1
> extrafine:1
> Thanks,
> Zhiyong
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Laurence Marks
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
MSE Rm 2036 Cook Hall
2220 N Campus Drive
Northwestern University
Evanston, IL 60208, USA
Tel: (847) 491-3996 Fax: (847) 491-7820
email: L-marks at northwestern dot edu
Chair, Commission on Electron Crystallography of IUCR
Electron crystallography is the branch of science that uses electron
scattering and imaging to study the structure of matter.
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