At present you have two options:

Increase the Bi sphere, but at the same time REDUCE the Se sphere, so
that there is no overlap.

Reduce the core-valence separation from -6 to -7 or so (check, which 
state produces the core leakage).

Don't ignore a leakage of 0.023 electrons/atom.

PS: In the next release there will be an option to overlap core 
densities which reach outside the sphere and then core leakage is not a 
problem anymore (but the required dstart step will cost some computer time).

Am 15.03.2010 20:07, schrieb Zhiyong Zhang:
> Dear All,
> I am running a calculation for Bi2Se3 and got the overlapping sphere error. 
> By default, the StructGen set all the RMT to 2.09, for both Bi and Se. The 
> RMT of Bi resulted in leaking core electrons of ca. 0.023 and I got a warning 
> message. I then increased the RMT for Bi to 2.3 to get rid of the leaking 
> core electrons.
> When I run the lapw0 I got the following error, since the sum of the RMT is 
> greater then the nearest neigbors.
> How should I fix this problem? Do I need to try and test differetn values for 
> the RMT for the individual atoms until I satisfy the requirements? Are there 
> a utility program in wien-2k that allows automatic adjustment of the RMT 
> parameters?
> Thanks a lot!
> Zhiyong
>   'NN' - overlapping spheres
>   'NN' - RMT( 9)=2.09000 AND RMT(15)=2.30000
>   'NN' - SUMS TO 4.39000 GT NNN-DIST= 4.34299
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Peter Blaha
Inst.Materialchemie, TU Wien
Getreidemarkt 9
A-1060 Vienna

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